Buried in Barstow is a 2022 Lifetime thriller drama film directed by Howard Deutch, written by Thompson Evans, produced by Untitled Entertainment, and executive produced by Monica Castellanos, Angie Harmon, Laura Notarianni, Michael Rosenberg, Stan Spry, and Eric Scott Woods. It stars Angie Harmon, Kritoffer Polaha, George Paez, and Bruce McGill in the lead roles. The story follows a single mother who is determined to protect her daughter from a life that she suffered in her childhood.
Where was Buried in Barstow filmed?
Buried in Barstow was filmed inside Shelby, North Carolina during late 2021. Filming began in the fourth week of October 2021 and officially wrapped up in November 2021. Other notable shooting locations were Charlotte and Cherokee.
However, most of the shooting took place in Shelby, North Carolina, United States. Red Bridges BBQ Lodge posted on their Instagram that the diner was transformed into a restaurant to give it a Californian vibe as the movie sets in California. This is the place where Hazel works in the movie.
Shelby is located in the southwest corner of the US and is known as the home base of a powerful political organization, Shelby Dynasty. Charlotte is the most populous city of the North Carolina located in the Piedmont region. On the other hand, Cherokee is known for its great smoky mountains national park, Qualla Boundary, and Blue Ridge Parkway.
North Carolina is less popular filming location but still serves as the shooting place for various films as Joe Millionaire, One Summer, Sand Dollar Cove, etc.
Cast of Buried in Barstow
- Angie Harmon as Hazel King
- Kristoffer Polaha as Elliot
- George Paez as Javier
- Bruce McGill as Von
- Matthew Cornwell as Willy
- Brendan Patrick Connor as Rudy
- Scott Hunter as Kurt
- Gabriel ‘G-Rod’ Rodriguez as Phil (as Gabriel Rodriguez)
- Exie Booker as Carl
- Olivia Hawthorne as Faith (as Olivia Lytle)
- Bronsonn Taylor as Perry’s Bodyguard (as Bronsonn James-Alexander Taylor)
- Jessica A. Caesar as Simone (as Jessica Caesar)
- Amy Patterson as Young Hazel
- Ben Cain as Perry Gamble
- Timothy Granaderos as Travis
- Brent Moorer Gaskins as Restaurant Local
- Anthony Reynolds as Walter Chernov
- Lauren Richards as Joy King
- Patrick Young Jr. as Drug dealer at bonfire (voice)
- Justin Z. Cole as Naked Man
- LaChelle Walker as Diner Patron
- Chris TC Edge as High Roller
- Skylan Kimbrell as Kidnapped girl
- Gary Maniloff as BG-Working Man in Diner
- Kamryn Phillips as Party Goer
- Mylea Hardy as Claire
Kristoffer is also awaited to cast in the new episode of Mystery 101 on Hallmark but there are still no signs that there will be a new part of the Mystery 101 but fans are still excited to see the latest installment of the series.
Buried in Barstow story follows Hazel King, a single mother is determined to protect her daughter, Joy from her past life. She doesn’t want her daughter to experience the same life she once had(like Summer in Surviving Summer). Moreover, she tends to safeguard the people who can’t seem to protect themselves. In an attempt to prevent her daughter from getting into the killing business, she tries everything to support her.
Buried in Barstow Review
The thrilling story shows some flashback scenes when Hazel was just 15 and her career ended up with her pregnancy with Joy. Angie has played the main role extremely well along with Polaha who is already talented since the release of Mystery 101 but this time Angie has won our hearts. Her complex character is just amazing and the skeletons scene blows our mind. The mother and daughter are excellent in their roles and so as other supporting characters. This movie is now streaming on Lifetime Channel.
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