First Kill is an American supernatural teenage drama series created and written by Victoria “VE” Schwab along with Felicia D Henderson. The Television series is based on the Schwab’s short story of the same name that follows a modern spin on an ancient war between vampires and monster hunters.
Produced by Emma Roberts under Belletrist Productions, Roberts and Karah Preiss are also serving as executive producers for the young adult vampire series.
Where was First Kill filmed?
Netflix’s first kill was filmed inside Savannah, Georgia, United States during late 2021. Filming began in April 2021 and wrapped up on 13 August 2021, shared by co-writer Henderson. Most of the scenes took place in Savannah while some scenes were also filmed inside Atlanta, GA.
Savannah is the oldest city in the US state of Georgia that attracts millions of tourists to its historic buildings, streets, well preserved architectures, parks, and beautiful coastal landscapes. The city served as the British colonial capital of the Georgia Province during 1733 and the first state capital of Georgia.
Georgia has emerged a prominent filming location for various mystery thriller TV shows like Stranger Things, Ozark, Moon Knight, Legacies, Ms Marvel, Cobra Kai, etc. Other than supernatural series, some movies like Jurassic World Dominion, The Stair Case, Senior Year, Valet, Spider Man No Way Home, etc. were also shot inside the state of Georgia.
- Jonas Dylan Allen as Ben Wheeler
- Elizabeth Mitchell as Margot
- Sarah Catherine Hook as Juliette Fairmont
- Gracie Dzienny as Elinor
- Imani Lewis as Calliope Burns
- Will Swenson as Sebastian
- Jason R. Moore as Jack
- Phillip Mullings Jr. as Theo
- Aubin Wise as Talia
- Dylan McNamara as Oliver
- Mk Xyz asTess
- Dominic Goodman as Apollo
- Roberto Méndez as Noah
- Gail Soltys as Phillipa Calhoun
- Walnette Marie Santiago as Carmen
- Joseph D. Reitman as Clayton Cook
- Annunziata Gianzero as Bunny Wheeler
- Mikala Gibson as JoJo
- Rachael Thompson as Sara Franklin
- Callan Wilson as Beau Parker
- Sarah Stipe as Ashley Stanton
- Exie Booker as Mike Franklin
- Jamie Michelle Kelley as High School Student
- Maddison Bullock as Eve
Young vampire Juliette is facing pressure to make her first kill and establish herself in the family of legacy vampires. Her eyes are on a beautiful new girl named Calliope who come from the family of hunters. Even though, both the girls belong to the opposite but equally esteemed families, they decide to develop romantic relationships instead of killing each other.
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