My Dress Up Darling episode 12 is set to release on 27 March 2022 at its respected time on Crunchyroll and Tokyo MX. Based on the slice of life Japanese manga series of the same title written and illustrated by Shinichi Fukuda, the romantic comedy anime series is directed by Keisuke Shinohara, written by Yoriko Tomita, and animated by CloverWorks Studio. The story follows the life of a first year college student named Wakana Gojo who aims to become the world’s best Hina doll craftsman but his life is filled with romance when the most beautiful girl of the school namely Kitagawa Marin asked him to make a cosplay uniform for her.
My Dress Up Darling Episode 12 Release Date and Time
My Dress Up Darling Episode 12 titled ‘My Dress-Up Darling‘ is set to premiere on 26 March 2022 at midnight JST(effectively on 27 March 2022) on Tokyo MX while English subbed version will be released on Crunchyroll at 11:30 AM EDT inside the United States.
There will be a total of 12 episodes in this season with an average runtime of 23 minutes, out of which 11 episodes have been aired so far and only a finale 12th episode is left to be premiered. New episodes are airing on Saturdays and Sundays every week since but release timings for My Dress Up Darling Episode 12 will vary depending on distinct regions as:
- Pacific Time: 08:30 AM PT(26 March)
- Central Time: 10:30 AM CT(26 March)
- British Time: 04:30 PM GMT(26 March)
- Russian Time: 07:30 PM MSK(26 March)
- Indian Time: 10:00 PM IST(26 March)
- Australian Time: 03:30 AM AEDT(27 March)
- New Zealand Time: 05:30 AM NZDT(27 March)
Where to watch My Dress Up Darling anime online?
New Episodes of My Dress Up Darling anime are airing on Funimation which holds the streaming rights of the series to premiere outside outside Asia while Muse Communication licensed the series in South East Asia. The series is now dubbed in English and fans can watch the full episodes in English language, Funimation made the announcement after fourth episode premiered in subbed version on 30 Jan 2022.
The Bisque Doll That Fell in Love Episode 11 Recap
My Dress-Up Darling episode 11 begins with Kitagawa inviting Gojo to a manga Cafe since its too hot outside but Gojo feels embarrassed on imagining himself with her alone in a room. Moreover, Marin recommends a manga to Wakana and asks him to make another cosplay costume for her. Then, the duo goes to the place that Kitagawa has booked as a studio to take photos.
The place turns out to be a love hotel which totally makes Gojo mad on Kitagawa but somehow Kitagawa manages to divert his mind to her photoshoot. While making poses for photography, Marin ends up sitting on the top of Wakana and overhearing sounds of enjoying couple in bed from their neighboring room.
Gojo tries to put Kitagawa away from him but he ends up holding his waist making her moan loudly and turning off the light. The episode ends as hotel receptionist calls and they leave the room recalling what just happened with Gojo calling kitagawa name’s again and again cursing himself.
My Dress Up Darling Episode 12 Spoilers
My Dress Up Darling Episode 12 finale will continue the series after ep 11 ended. Since, most of the summer vacations are passed and Kitagawa is still busy in enjoying it. Her dad might come to see her progress and prompt her to complete her work on time otherwise she has to spent the whole nights when the vacations come to end. Moreover, Gojo invites her to get her advice on ribbons placement while Kitagawa insists him to invite on the upcoming festival. Kitagawa seems to be lazy in academics while Wakana is always there to help her.
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