Borrego is a 2022 American thriller movie directed and written by Jesse Harris for Saban Films. The film is produced by Damiano Tucci, Tiziano Tucci, Nancy Cartwright, and Greg Lauritano under Tucci & Company, Black Magic CRE84U Entertainment, and Abcde Pictures.
The film started premiering in selective theatres inside the United States during January 2022 and on 14th May, the movie was released on Netflix for a wider audience. Now, viewers are enjoying the shooting locations of the film but where the heck, the movie was shot? Let’s find out.
Where was Borrego filmed?
The plot of Borrego sets in Southern California near the Mexico border but the actual filming took place in the Tabernas Desert(Desierto de Tabernas) of Spain inside Southwestern Europe. According to Variety’s report, the principal filming began on 5 October 2020 and wrapped up on 7 November 2020.
The additional filming was done in Borrego Springs in Spring 2021. The scene of motel is shown at the very beginning of the movie was shot at an actual motel located inside California, United States. Cinematographer Octavio Arias was having plans to shoot the entire film in California but they were forced to switch the location due to Covid-19 pandemic.
Tabernas Desert is a semi-arid desert area of Spain located in the south-eastern province to the capital city of Almeria. The place resembles with Arabia, Northern Africa, US, and Northern Mexico when it comes to deserted areas. However, the filming process isn’t easy in any deserted region. No matter where it is located, the same happened with this film.
Director Jesse Harris shared that some days of filming were windy and the sand was flowing in the air like scent. It was really challenging for the cast and crew members to hold on till the last scene of the day. But Jesse also shared that it seems that odds were in their favor because the acting looks more natural.
Borrego Movie Cast
- Lucy Hale as Elly
- Nicholas Gonzalez as Jose
- Edward J. Bentley as Brody
- Jorge A. Jimenez as Guillermo
- Leynar Gomez as Tomas
- Brendan McNamee as Trent
- Jaime Aymerich as Juan Manuel
- Olivia Trujillo as Alex
The movie follows the story of a Young Botanist named Elly(Lucy Hale) who moves out from her house to shelter in a deserted town of California where she can study an invasive plant species. Her calm life gets disturbed when an inexperienced drug mule Tomas(Leynar Gomez) kidnapped her after the terrible crash of his ultralight plane. The nearby residents of the town including sheriff Jose(Nicholas Gonzalez), his daughter Alex(Olivia Trujillo), and drug taker Guilermo(Jorge A Jimenez) all become intertwined in the odyssey.
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