The Princess 2022 movie is a historical action drama fantasy film directed by Vietnamese director Le-Van Kiet and written by Ben Lustig with Jake Thornton. It stars Joey King, Dominic Cooper, and Veronica Ngo in the lead roles of princess, Julius, and Linh in the film produced by Toby Jaffe, Neal H Moritz, and Derek Kolstad under 20th Century Studios and Original Film Production company.
Is The Princess 2022 available on Netflix?
Sadly, Princess Joey King is not available to watch on Netflix right now but there are various other films similar to Joey King’s starring movie like The Princess Switch, Shrek, The Swan Princess, Ella Enchanted, A Princess for Christmas, Disenchantment, Kath & Kimderella, Jack and the giant slayer, Criminal Minds, etc. on the same streaming network.
Can I watch The Princess Joey King on Amazon Prime?
No, the film is not yet streaming for Prime Video subscribers. The film is neither included in the subscription nor it is included in the VOD section where you can rent or purchase it at some additional price.
However, you can watch various other princess movies on Amazon Prime like The Black Phone, The Stolen Princess, A Royal Night Out, The King’s Guard, The Last Princess, etc. that will give you the similar enjoyment as the original movie.
Is the 2022 Princess movie on Hulu?
Yes, the 2022 dark fantasy film is exclusively streaming on Hulu inside the United States. Anyone with a valid Hulu subscription can stream the movie inside US.
Where to watch The Princess 2022 movie?
The movie is streaming for Hulu subscribers inside the United States, internationally it is streaming on Disney+, and on Star+ inside Latin America since its official premiere on 1 July 2022.
Hulu offers a variety of plans ranging from $6.99 per month to $69.99 per month for Hulu+ Live TV now with Disney+ and ESPN. The streaming platform provides an adblocking subscription for $12.99 per month including access to the award winning Hulu originals.
On the other hand, Disney+ is having a huge content library of animated movies and TV shows for all age group. The platform is famous for having so much fantasy series and movies The Quest, Moon Knight, Dr Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, etc.
Can you stream it for Free?
There is no way to watch the Princess 2022 movie for free. Even if you are taking an ad supporting version of Hulu plan, you still need to pay $6.99 to get access.
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