One Piece episode 998 is scheduled to be release on Sunday at its scheduled time. The legendary anime series is an adaptation to the original manga series of the same name written and illustrated by Elichiro Oda. Produced by Toei animation, the first episode of this adventure fantasy anime was premiered in October 1999 on Fuji TV and the series is slowly heading towards premiering its 1000th episode. The story moves around the adventures of a young pirate named Monkey Luffy who wants to become the King of Pirates, the journey is full of thrills, suspense, emotions and drama that keeps viewer sitting until full episode premiers.
ONE PIECE 998 Release Date and Time
One Piece Episode 998 titled “Zeus’ Treason?! The Cornered Nami!” will be released on 6 Nov at 10:00 PM EDT on Crunchyroll inside the United States. The episode will also be aired on 7 November 2021 at 9:30 -10:00 AM JST on Fuji TV and Netflix Japan.
The episode release time and date will be different for distinct regions as follows:
- Pacific Time: 19:00 PT(6 Nov)
- Central Time: 21:00 CT(6 Nov)
- Eastern Time: 22:00 ET(6 Nov)
- British Summer Time: 03:00 AM BST(7 Nov)
- Indian Standard Time: 07:30 AM IST(7 Nov)
- Japanese Standard Time: 11:00 AM JST(7 Nov)
- Australian Eastern Time: 12:00 PM AEST(7 Nov)
Episode 997 Recap
In episode 997, Akazaya Nine and Kinemon made their way to reach Kaido and surrounded him from all sides to give him a fatal blow. But still, Kaido thinks that he can takedown Akazaya nine anytime but the warriors are having fires in their eyes to avenge Oden’s death. However, he still manage to keep Akazaya nine on his side. The queen reminds them that around 30k soldiers are there in the castle that can do anything and soon a news breakout that thousands of invaders are entering into Onigashima castle.
On the other hand, Zoro was murdering the enemies one after another using his special sword swing. It is revealed that Perospero is fighting on the side of Marco and this puts pressure on Animal Kingdom Pirates. Shinobu was finally reached very close to save Momonosuke and on other other side Kaido was heading towards Luffy along with Akazaya Nine.
ONE PIECE Episode 998 Spoilers
One Piece episode 998 will show a fight between Akazaya Nine, Kaido and Luffy. Yamato will involve herself in the fight for opening the Land of Wano for all people, she will combat on the side of Luffy as she wants to become like her father. However, Kaido will try to persuade her that Straw Hats harmed her father but still Oden’s daughter will fight for Luffy’s team because she knows who is right.
On the other side, Zoro is taking down his enemies one after another so he will confront some powerful opponent that worth fighting and hard to defeat by anyone other than himself.
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