My Hero Academia is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Kōhei Horikoshi that follows the story of a little boy Izuku Midoriya who is born as a normal child in the world where every single being is gifted with some unique ability. The anime series is based on the manga of the same name and follows the similar plotline as mentioned in the comic. Let’s find out when will MHA Season 5 ep 15 comes out?
My Hero Academia season 5 Episode 15 Release Date
My Hero Academia Season 5 Episode 15 is set to release this Saturday on 3 July 2021 at 5:30 PM JST on yTV and NTV inside Japan and 4:30 AM EDT on Adultswim inside the USA. Additionally, you can stream the English subbed episodes on Crunchyroll and Funimation along with English subtitles and original Japanese audio.
Episode 14 Recap
In episode 14, it has been revealed that Hawks has killed Best Jeanist and the no. 1 hero in the world deciphers a code from the side of Hawks which reads as the identity of his next enemy aka the liberation army. Midoriya, Bakuguo, and Shouto has started their internships at Endeavor agency and watching their employer has defeated a villain effortlessly. The endeavor is eagerly waiting to teach them the techniques but obsessed with his son, Shouto and giving special attention to him.
Boku No My Hero Academia Season 5 Episode 15 Spoilers
Boku No My Hero Academia Season 5 Episode 15 preview shows that Endeavor will train the boys himself after knowing about their next enemy from deciphering the Hawk’s message. The Liberation army is a huge one with over hundred thousand members and if endeavor wants to defeat them then he has to take help of every known hero from every possible place.

The coming time for Midoriya, Bakugou, and Shouto’s training will be very crucial and the endeavor will demand everything from the boys to prepare them for the great battle. Endeavor wants the boys to put all their blood and sweat in the hard training and boys are also prepare for the extreme so they will not take anything for granted.
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