The animated DC series, Harley Quinn will return for a season 3 in December 2021 and will have a brand new storyline with the entry of Mad Hatter, a renowned villain of DC comics. Whatever happens, the animated series is one of the most-liked show of the DC universe that moves around Gotham’s anti-hero, Harley Quinn. The fans keep on praising the show because of it’s unique approach to comics that makes the show spicy as well as hilarious. It gives us that perspective on DC comics that we barely imagine and depicts the plotline in an entertaining and clumsy way. Let’s see when will it return for a season 3?
Harley Quinn Season 3 Release Date
The premiere date for Harley Quinn Season 3 is not officially announced by the showrunners yet but in an interview with Masters on None Podcast, Justin Halpern teased that season 3 of Harley Quinn will be released around late 2021 or early 2022 because creation of animation takes so much time. There will be a total of 13 episodes in this season with a running time of 20 minutes. Luckily, fans are getting a new season within one year release of the previous season.
Most of all the main characters will come to reprise their roles in season 3 as Harley Quinn, Poison, Ivy, The Joker, King Shark, Sy Borgman, and Frank. Moreover, Mad Hunter is coming in S3 so there will be another character addition.
- Kaley Cuoco as Harley Quinn
- Lake Bell as Poison Ivy
- Alan Tudyk as Joker
- Tony Hale as Doctor Psycho
- Ron Funches as King Shark
- Jason Alexander as Sy Borgman
- J. B. Smoove as Frank the Plant
What to expect from Harley Quinn Season 3?
Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy are still together but nobody knows how long this relationship lasts as both the characters are having toxic past. There will be a standalone episode for Joker as we see in the season 2 for Batman, this will highlight some dark details of the Joker from his past. Gowtham Police department is continuously failing to protect the city and Commissioner Gordon has to do something to stop the criminals.
What do you think will happen in Harley Quinn Season 3? Will Harley remains together with Poison Ivy? It will be interesting to see the separate episode of Joker.
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