Directed by David Winning, The Nine Kittens of Christmas is the latest comedy family fantasy movie by Hallmark especially created for cat lovers. The film serves as a direct sequel to the 2014 Nine Lives of Christmas which was about two individuals who were unsure about love. Zachary, a hot fireman who doesn’t believe in love and Marilee, a cat whisperer who doesn’t have time for love. Both of them ended up running into each other but eventually the relationship doesn’t solidify because of Marilee’s overprotective younger sister. But this time, things are different. Nine Kittens of Christmas is also having 3 other names that probably confuse you but they all belongs to same movie.
Where was The Nine Kittens of Christmas filmed?
The Nine Kittens of Christmas was filmed in Fort Langley at the Fire Hall and North Vancouver inside British Columbia, Canada. Filming began on 15 Sep 2021 and wrapped up on 23 Oct 2021 covering almost 4 and a half week like other Hallmark films. Locals were having the fun while the shooting was ongoing inside Langley and Hallmark Channel fans were shouting Kittens! Kittens! in a lovely manner, reported by Hollywood North Buzz.
Langley is popular as the Horse Capital of BC but this time, kittens seem to have the upper hand. But there is a lot more thing you can do at the place especially if you are with children.
The flexible tax rates in almost all regions of Canada offers great advantage to filmmakers and has boosted film production all over the place. Moreover, the place has featured in several other films such as The Christmas Promise, Don’t Go Breaking My Heart, etc.
Stephanie Bennett shared some photos on her Instagram while the production of The Nine Kittens of Christmas was ongoing along with her dog, she expressed her excitement with an energetic caption.
Kimberley Sustad finally shared a photo when the shooting wrapped up and confirmed that the film is a sequel to The Nine Lives of Christmas. She captioned that there were too many cute kittens, and she carried some of them to her home.
One more thing about The Nine Kittens of Christmas, this have 3 more names. So, don’t confuse with the trio. Here are all those three: Nine Lives of Holidays, the Nine Lives of Christmas Sequel, and Nine Kittens of Holidays.
- Brandon Routh as Zachary Stone
- Kimberley Sustad as Marilee White
- Gregory Harrison as Chief Sam
- Stephanie Bennett as Jaclyn
- Vince Song as Caleb
- Nathan Witte as Miles
- Robyn Bradley as Harriet
- Victoria Dunsmore as Gabi
- Helenna Santos as Kate
- Sarah Hayward as Mrs. Klein
- Carey Feehan as Kyle
- Linden McMillan as Sierra
- Leo James Routh as Boy
- Zoraida Gómez as Allie
The Nine Kittens of Christmas Plot
The Nine Lives of Holidays is the story of two cat lovers named Zachary and Marilee who are thrown together to do a task of finding homes for a litter of adorable kittens on the Christmas day. You probably know who Zachary and Marilee are if you have watched the first part of the film. There is another coincidence that is bringing them together. But what about the overprotective sister of Marilee? Will she still come under their way or just keep calm this time? To know about that,
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