Directed by Rich Newey, The Christmas House 2: Deck Those Halls is a sequel to the 2020 Hallmark family movie of the same name. The latest Hallmark film is included in the catalogue of Countdown to Christmas 2021 series which brings lots of awesome holiday films every year. Most of the Hallmark’s film shot inside Canada but their setup looks so enticing and dazzling that one can think it as exact location that the film sets in. Let’s dive in and explore the places where the movie shot?
Where was The Christmas House 2 filmed?
The Christmas House 2: Deck Those Halls was filmed inside British Columbia, Canada. Filming began on 20 Sep 2021 and wrapped up on 5 Oct 2021 with most of the filming took place in Victoria and Sidney, reported by Krissy Ingvardsen. The production team transformed the nearby town of Sidney into a winter wonderland and the local girl was assigned as Brandon’s infant daughter.
Victoria is also the capital city of BC where majority of the filming took place, the place serves as the film location of Sister Swap, A Dickens of a Holiday, Nantucket Noel, etc. The city is famously known as The Garden City which has lots of historical monuments like Float Home Village, Empress Hotel, etc. Sidney was also in the limelight as few scenes were shot at Beacon Avenue, the place is 25 Km away from the capital region.
Deck The Halls 2 Hallmark Movie Cast
- Jonathan Bennett as Brandon
- Robert Buckley as Mike
- Mattia Castrillo as Noah
- Ana Ayora
- Matthew James Dowden as Zane Ryan
- Robyn Driscoll as Judge
- Brad Harder as Jake
- Treat Williams as Bill
The Christmas House 2 Plot
The film follows the Mitchell family who decides to organize a meeting for Christmas once again. To the family’s surprise, Mike(Robert Buckley) got a chance to lead a reality TV show regarding home decoration. So, all the family members got excited to see Mike’s performance but unexpectedly the opponent of Mike is dropped out of the show.
To save the reputation of the show, Mike’s brother Brandon(Jonathan Bennett) jumps into the competition as his competitor. How will the brother’s compete against each other? The family rivalry will be full of fun and enjoyment when both the contestants will come with new innovations.
The movie is scheduled to premiere on 21 Dec 2021 at 10 PM ET and 9 PM CT exclusively on Hallmark Channel.
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