Gully is a 2019 coming of age drama film directed by Nabil Elderkin and written by Marcus J Guillory. It is produced by Tom Butterfield, Alex Georgiou, Brad Feinstein, Corey Smyth, Ben Pugh, and James Shani under Romulus Entertainment and distributed by Vertical Entertainment internationally.
The movie premiered at Tribeca Film Festival on 27 April 2019 and has an international premiere on 4th of June 2021. The movie follows three teens from Los Angeles(victimized of extreme childhood) wreaking a hedonistic riot and destruction across the city for 28 hours.
Where was Gully filmed?
Gully was filmed inside South central California during mid 2018. Filming began in March 2018 and wrapped up in October 2018 covering almost eight months. Most of the filming took place in the village of La Jolla within San Diego on the South Coast of California. The place is filled with residents so the cinematographers didn’t face any difficulty in filming roadside pedestrians.
Director Nabil shared that there was a lot of things going on between the shooting like the moving of helicopters. People living in the area can relate to it because the things happening in their environment were real and this was also the reason why the crew members moved to the exact locations. The sound of people is incorporated into the film.
The cast was announced in March 2018 right before the filming commenced in the same month. It was revealed that Charlie Plummer, Kelvin Harrison Jr, Jonathan Majors, and Jacob Latimore has joined the cast. Nabil Elderkin was assigned as the director who directed the film from the screenplay by Marcus J Guilory. The movie was pushed into
Cast of Gully Movie
- Jacob Latimore as Calvin
- Charlie Plummer as Nicky
- John Corbett as Mr. Charlie
- Jonathan Majors as Greg
- Kelvin Harrison Jr. as Jesse
- Robin Givens as Irma
- David Garelik as Brandon
- Madisen Hill as Beth
- Elizabeth Posey as Tammy
- Ari Loeb as Big Nicky
- Amber Heard as Joyce
- Kashton Moore as Terry
- Xen Sams as Margaret
- DeRay Davis as Calvin’s Father
- Kim Estes as Mr. Avery
- Chastity Dotson as Angela
- Travis Scott as Derek
- Peter Chen as Mr. Ling
- Mo McRae as Otis
- Treisa Gary as Church Woman
- Chris Gann as Barrett
- Jeremiah Shabazz as Ronald Lewis
- J.J. Boone as Edith
- Erica Peeples as Mrs. Burnett
- Jessica Juarez as Teller
- Tom Wright as Principal West
- Terrence Howard as Mr. Christmas (as Terence Howard)
- Julia Rose as Mrs. Charlie
- Rhomeyn Johnson as Minister
- Hilda Boulware as Mama Lou
- Moton Kamdon as Little Calvin
- Zoe Renee as Keisha (as Zoe Renee Thomas)
Not to be rude, Gully film is one of the worst rated film on IMDb with 1/10. Viewers enjoyed the trailer released by the the production company but the film messed up with poor acting. Even the story was hard to follow and in some place you will find yourself so lost that you eventually decide to skip the movie and watch your favorite Yellowstone to feel better. The film was looking great until they introduced the idiotic graphics of Grant Theft Auto.
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