Echoes is an Australian drama Television series created and written by Vanessa Gazy for Netflix. The seven episode thriller series series has been produced under Endemol Shine Banks Australia production company and executively produced by Brian Yorkey, Imogen Banks, Quinton Peeples, and creator Vanessa herself.
The miniseries has been recently added on the original network Netflix on 19 August 2022. There are a total of seven episodes in the series which are having an average running time of almost 50 minutes. To our surprise, all episodes have been released on the same day.
Where was Echoes filmed?
Netflix’s Echoes was filmed in France and the United States during December 2021. Principal filming began in August 2021 and wrapped up by the end of January 2022.
Most of the filming took place inside Wilmington part of North Carolina while rest of the scenes were filmed inside Los Angeles, California and Paris, France.
Wilmington, NC
Wilmington is a beautiful port city located in the coastal Southeastern North Carolina known for its antebellum and civil war history. Moreover, the astounding buildings and blissful architecture will arouse your travelling desires.
According to director reports, a production camp was setup in Screen Gems Studios located at 1223 North 23rd Street, Wilmington. The studio covered a huge space of around 150,000 that makes it a suitable shooting place for the thriller series.
Vanessa thanked the team to make the project successful and made the shooting joyful. A city property situated on the South 17th Street was also used to helm some important scenes for the thriller series.
Neighbor of Hollywood, California
During Oct 2021, the cast and crew members were spotted in Hollywood. Even though, the filming took place only in the neighborhood of Hollywood. The Sunset Strip and some local stores utilized for shooting purposes.
Paris, France
Finally, the crew fled to the capital city of France to celebrate the new year but no specific location details are available for this place.
The place is famous for the beautiful Eiffel Tower that depicts the heritage of France and is one of the most visited landmark attracting millions of visitors.
Everyone know about the great Eiffel tower but very few people know that the tower was named after its designer and engineer Gustave Eiffel.
Echoes Cast
- Michelle Monaghan as Leni and Gina
- Daniel Sunjata as Charlie Davenport
- Jonathan Tucker as Dylan
- Ali Stroker as Claudia
- Matt Bomer as Jack Beck
- Celia Weston as Georgia Tyler
- Karen Robinson as Sheriff Louise Floss
- Michael O’Neill as Victor McCleary
- Gable Swanlund as Mathilda “Mattie” Beck
- Rosanny Zayas as Deputy Paula Martinez
The mystery thriller Television series follows identical twins Gina and Leni who share a dangerous secret of swapping lives since childhood. Leni and Gina were happily living their double lives as adults but the problem arises as one of the girl went missing and their lives turned into complete chaos.
Echoes series is exclusively streaming on Netflix right now since its premiere on 19 Aug 2022. Watch the show to know how will they come out from the mess.
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