Rick and Morty is an American sci-fi animated series that moves around two main protagonists, Morty and Rick. Morty is a shy boy who wants to visit boob world but his intelligent Grandpa Rick wants to take him for another thrilling experiences. The animation series is quite interesting and full or humor, you can’t stop laughing while watching this show.
All the episodes are filled with lots of mature humor and thrill. The active involvement of a new character and old recurring characters make it more engaging and sticky among viewers such as Jerry(Morty’s father), Beth(Morty’s mother and Rick’s daughter), and Summer(sister of Rick and an elder grandchild of Rick). Where can you watch Rick and Morty series?
Can I watch Rick and Morty on Netflix?
No, Rick and Morty is not currently streaming in the giant collection of American Netflix but streaming on Netflix India. Alternatively, you can stream Bojack Horseman, Final Space, My Hero Academia, Paradise PD, Disenchantment, Q Force, Masameer Country, etc.
Is Rick and Morty available on Amazon Prime Video?
Unfortunately, the series is not included in Amazon Prime Video subscription and you cannot watch the series with basic subscription plan but it is available to rent/purchase from the same platform as VOD. However, there are other animated series like Rick and Morty on Amazon Prime as Los in Oz, Niko and the Sword of Light, Invincible, etc.
Does Hulu have Rick and Morty?
All five seasons of the animated TV show are available on Hulu and subscribers of the service can watch the series without paying any extra fees. Upcoming season 6 will also be available on Hulu in the near future.
Where to watch Rick and Morty?
The best way to watch Rick and Morty is to use Adult Swim website or taking a Hulu subscription. Alternatively, you can use Google Play, iTunes, Roku, Fire TV, and Apple TV that all have access to an Adult Swim app. You can also watch the series for free if you are using YouTubeTV for the first time as it offers a free 7-day trial for first time users.
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