Stone Ocean Anime adaptation was officially confirmed by the original Japanese manga series creator Hirohiko Araki in an announcement while conducting the JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure special event on 4 April 2021. Fans are speculating that it will be focusing on the adventures of Jolyne Cujoh because she was the major highlight shown in the promotional video. The manga series has released a total of 17 volumes from 2000-2003. Let’s find out when will we get to see the JOJO Part 6: Stone Ocean Anime series.
Stone Ocean Anime Release Date and Time
The anime adaptation of JOJO Bizarre Adventures Stone Ocean Part 6 is confirmed after Araki’s announcement in JOESTAR event and is expected to be release around 8 Jan 2022 inside Japan whereas it will start airing from 1 Dec 2021 on Netflix.
It is the first time when an anime is airing first on any other platform before its official premiere in Japan so that’s gonna be interesting to see. There might be 26 episodes in the first season with an average running time of minutes.
The English subbed versions will be released worldwide on Funimation, AnimeLab, Crunchyroll, Hulu, and Netflix in original Japanese audio and English subtitles. However, there is no release date available at the moment and no one knows exactly the time when Stone Ocean anime premiere on Crunchyroll or any streaming platform.
There is only an official announcement teaser available that highlights a Jolyne who is the main protagonist of the Jojo’s Bizarre adventure part 6 or Stone Ocean anime adaptation. This is the manga based preview that has been released on Anime TV YouTube channel.
What to expect from Jojo Part 6: Stone Ocean Anime?
The story of JOJO Part 6 anime adaptation will move around an 18-year-old girl Jolyne Cujoh who is the daughter of Jotaro Kujo and an American woman. Jolyne is arrested for a drunk and drive murder case which was actually committed by her boyfriend. She is sent to Green Dolphin Street Prison for her correction. This appears to be a lottery for her as there she started investigating and combating with DIO’s most trusted student, Enrico Pucci.
Enrico is working as her prison’s chaplain and looking forward to continue the legacy of his master and main villain, DIO. With the help of her friends and new power that is known as Stone Free, she successfully defeat Enrico and made herself free from the prison. But this is not the end, it’s just an outline of the story. There is a lot more in the original manga series that is worth watching.
But how will she came out from the prison? Who will help her in her tough times? How are you feeling after learning that Stone Ocean anime is confirmed after Blue Lock anime adaptation and, Chainsaw Man animation officially. However, Solo Leveling anime is not confirmed.
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