My Dress-Up Darling is a romantic comedy anime series directed by Keisuke Shinohara written by Yoriko Tomita and produced under CloverWorks Studio. The story is based on the Japanese manga title Sono Bisuku Dōru wa Koi o Suru; The Bisque Doll That Fell in Love which follows the story of a first-year high school student who dreams to become the world’s best Hina doll craftsman but becomes obsessed with making cosplay costumes when one popular classmate asked him to make a costume for her game cosplay. The original manga volumes are written by Shinichi Fukuda and illustrated by Square Enix while the music for the anime is given by Takeshi Nakatsuka.
My Dress Up Darling Episode 9 Release Date and Time
My Dress Up Darling Episode 9 titled Because There Was a Lot That I Saw in That Photo is set to release on 5 March 2022 at 11:30 AM ET on Crunchyroll inside the United States and at 24:00 JST on Tokyo MX inside Japan. There will be a total of 12 episodes in this season with an average runtime of 24 minutes.
The release time for My Dress Up Darling Episode 9 on Crunchyroll will vary depending on different regions:
- Pacific Time: 08:30 AM PT(5 March)
- Central Time: 10:30 AM CT(5 March)
- British Time: 04:30 PM GMT(5 March)
- Russian Time: 07:30 PM MSK(5 March)
- Indian Time: 10:00 PM IST(5 March)
- Australian Time: 03:30 AM AEDT(6 March)
- New Zealand Time: 05:30 AM NZDT(6 March)
Where to watch My Dress Up Darling anime?
New Episodes of My Dress Up Darling anime are airing on Saturdays every week on Funimation which holds the streaming rights of the series to premiere outside outside Asia while Muse Communication licensed the series in South East Asia.
English subbed versions are available in original Japanese audio with English subtitles on Muse while the English dubbed versions are available to stream via Funimation streaming network.
My Dress-Up Darling Episode 8 Recap
In episode 8 of My Dress-Up Darling, Shinju showed Kitagawa various photos of Inui that she posted on her social media and showed her DSLR. It was the first time Gojo saw a camera so he asked for more details and shocked on learning that even a camera lens cost too much. Then, the group plans to meet at an abandoned hospital where Inui become terrified and stand still near the door.
Inui revealed to Gojo that she always wanted to become a magical girl and that’s why she started cosplaying. There are various costume designers around the city but the reason why she pitched Gojo is her jealousy. She felt jealous on seeing Kitagawa in a gorgeous cosplay costume and decided that she will only wear the dress made by the same person.
Gojo and Kitagawa go to a lonely beach to enjoy sometime together and have some romantic talks without exposing one’s feelings. Kitagawa feels overwhelmed on spitting some of her true feelings in front of the man she luv.
My Dress Up Darling Episode 9 Spoilers
Gojo visits a textile shop to collect the fabrics required for making cosplay costume of Inui but the shopkeeper gets stunned on seeing him asking for such girlish choice of clothes. Moreover, Kitagawa meets him to discuss about her new swimsuit and tease Gojo for not commenting on her photo.
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