Zombies 3 is an upcoming 2022 Disney channel original movie directed by Paul Hoen, the film serves as the direct sequel to the 2020 film Zombies 2 and is the third film of the Zombies franchise. The movie is written and produced by David Light and Joseph Raso under Resonate Entertainment and Bloor Street Productions Studio along with Suzanne Farwell working as the co-producer. Now, let’s find out the more details about the release date for Z-o-m-b-i-e-s 3.
When is zombies 3 coming out Disney 2022?
Yes, Zombies 3 will be released in 2022 only on Disney Channel inside the United States. Since, no official air date has been provided, it is not possible to tell the exact premiere date. Considering, Zombies 2 which took at least 8 months after the post production, Z-O-M-B-I-E-S 3 is expected to premiere in April 2022 exclusively for Disney+ subscribers. This will be the only Disney Zombies film to not release in February, the first movie aired in 16 Feb 2018 and the second premiered on 14 Feb 2020.
Filming Locations
The filming of Zombies 3 took place inside Toronto, Canada during summer 2021. Principal photography took place on 7 June 2021 and concluded on 28 July 2021 covering almost 2 months. The Mandalorian Season 3 is another most anticipated Disney series which is still in production.
- Meg Donnelly as Addison
- Kylee Russell as Eliza
- Trevor Tordjman as Bucky
- Marie Ward as Missy
- Tony Nappo as Zevon
- Mellanie Hubert as Tori
- Chandler Kinney as Willa
- Emilia McCarthy as Lacey
- Milo Manheim as Zed
- Ariel Martin as Wynter
- Pearce Joza as Wyatt
- Kingston Foster as Zoey
- Matt Cornett as A-Lan
- Naomi Snieckus as Principal Lee
- James Godfrey as Bonzo
- Paul Hopkins as Dale
- Carla Jeffery as Bree
- Jasmine Renée Thomas as Stacey
- Russell Yuen as Cheer Announcer #1
- Ramona Milano as Cheer Announcer #2
- Tricia Black as Zombie Announcer
- Kyra Tantao as A-Li
- Victoria Goodman as Alien Cheerleader
- Christos Tsiantoulas as Dancer
- Terry Hu as A-Spen
- Danielle Hilliard as Alien Cheerleader
- Andrew Kyrzyk as Seabrook Dancer
- Karina Grzella as Dancer
- Kristopher Grzella as Dancer
- Selina An as Seabrook Student
- Jeremy Durgana as Football Parent
- Kaitlyn Harvey as Eels Cheerleader
- Raggy Sharma as Student / Werewolf
An official teaser has been released by the Disney Channel but it doesn’t reveal anything about the new Zombies film. It only shows Addison on thumbnail and all other crew members dancing in the school.
What will happen in Zombies 3?
The synopsis reads as Zed participates in an athletic competition to grab the scholarship while Addison will focus on the Seabrook’s international cheer-off competition. When Addison is looking after her performances, some alien tweens come to bring peace and a friendly rivalry begins. The monster plagued town of Seabrook has three classes of wizards: Zombies, Cheerleaders, and Werewolves.
Zed becomes the first zombie to take an admission in the college after beginning his final year at Seabrook High, the place where humans and monsters live together without any fear. While Zed is practicing to get a scholarship and Addison is gearing up for the international competition, some alien species invade the planet to make a tougher competition.
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