Under The Banner of Heaven is an American crime drama series created by Dustin Lance Black and produced by Leslie Cowan with Brian Dennis under Hungry Jackal, Aggregate Films, Imagine Television, and FX Productions for Disney Platform Distribution and FX on Hulu. Based on the nonfiction book of the same name by Jon Krakauer, the psychological drama series follows the a police detective named Detective Jeb Pyre(like new Bosch) whose faith is shaken at the time of a murder case investigation, the killer seems to have a connection with LDS church. The scenes have been beautifully filmed, let’s find out where was the actual filming took place.
Where was Under The Banner of Heaven filmed?
Under The Banner of Heaven was filmed in Banff, Carstairs and Calgary cities of Alberta inside Canada during late 2021. Filming began in August 2021 and wrapped up in December 2021 within the same province of Canada. Even though, the plot sets in Utah, the actual shooting took place in Canada.
Calgary city serves as the most prominent shooting location of the series where majority of the filming took place especially at Stephen Avenue in Downtown. McDougall Centre is clearly visible in some scenes.
The church scene was shot at St. Peter’s Anglican Church located on 903 75 Avenue South West. Drumheller town is also featured in the film along with the town of Strathmore whose Mainstreet is highlighted in the town of Didsbury in the series.
Canadian province is extremely popular among filmmakers due to lucrative taxations and perks to new cinematographers. Also, the place is not new as Open Range(2003), A Winter Getaway(2021), and even The Revenant(2015) were filmed there. Moreover, countless Hallmark and Lifetime films were shot at this place.
Cast of Under The Banner of Heaven
- Andrew Garfield as Pyre
- Taylor St. Pierre as Jacob Lafferty
- Rohan Mead as Morris
- Britt Irvin as Sarah Lafferty
- Beau McHattie as Ron Lafferty’s Son
- Daisy Edgar-Jones as Brenda
- Christopher Heyerdahl as Ammon Lafferty
- Tyner Rushing as Emma Smith
- Alayna Edwards as Jolene Lafferty
- Scott Michael Campbell as Brigham Young
- Abelynne Langille as Eilidh (Matilda’s Eilidh)
- Sam Worthington as Ron Lafferty
- Emily James as Ron’s Daughter
- Nicholas Carella as Bernard Brady
- Wyatt Russell as Dan Lafferty
- Vanessa Holmes as LaRae Wright
- Scott Olynek as Officer Noah Denney
- Jerod Blake as Desk Cop
- Sophia Fabris as Brenda’s sister #3
- Gil Birmingham as Bill Taba
- Denise Gough as Dianna Lafferty
- Billy Howle as Allen Lafferty
- Zachary Ray Sherman as Porter Rockwell
- Chloe Pirrie as Matilda Lafferty
- Andrew Burnap as Joseph Smith
- Seth Numrich as Robin Lafferty
- Adelaide Clemens as Rebecca Pyre
- Rory Culkin as Samuel Lafferty
- Laurent Pitre as Ricky Knapp
- Megan Leitch as Doreen Lafferty
- Michele Wienecke as Lynn Lafferty
- Sienna King as Annie Pyre
- Alba Evora Weiler as Caroline Pyre
- Lori Bachynski as Benda’s Neighbor
- Darren Goldstein as Mr. Wright
- Carina Battrick as Jenny Lafferty
- Angie Hung as Casino Security Guard
- Olivia Collier as Brenda’s Sister #1
- David Haysom as Ohioan
- Mellanie Hubert as Blair Blake
- Hannah Galway as Betty Wright
- Michael Lipka as Chip Carnes
A devout detective’s faith is put on a test as he go through a brutal murder investigation that seems to be connected with a renowned Utah family’s spiral into LDS fundamentalism.
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