The Holiday Fix Up is a newest Lifetime romantic drama directed by Brian Herzlinger and written by Jessica Koose, the story follows a designer who aims to volunteer in the renovation of Bell Harbor Inn after returning to her hometown. But, she has her own home renovation show and she sets the Inn renovation as her priority when she has to team up with Coop, her ex-husband. The person has already broke Sam’s heart previously and this time he is the main contractor, what a bad coincidence?
The Holiday Fix Up Filming Locations
Lifetime’s The Holiday Fix up was filmed mostly in Mystic, Connecticut while some scenes were reportedly filmed in Nashville, Tennessee. The principal photography took place in Summer 2021 according to a report by TV Insider.
Most of the filming took place in the coastal village of Mystic located in New London Country, the crew shared that it was really tough to shot there, as there was too hot. The shooting places like the Yetter Road Christmas Tree Farm, village of Mystic, and Norwich were covered with Christmas ornaments to provide festive vibes.
Other popular movies filmed at the same locations were Sand Dollar Cove, You Me & The Christmas Trees, The White Lotus, etc. Several indoor scenes were filmed only in Castle Recording Studios of Nashville.
- Ryan McPartlin Ryan McPartlin … Coop
- Jana Kramer as Sam
- Steve Vinovich as Jack
- Brandon Ford Green as Rob
- Brian Sills as Josh
- Maria Menounos as Jenny
- Keven Undergaro as Nick
- LoDeon LoDeon as Shop Keeper
- Liliane Klein as Local Customer
- Lisa Lynn Dempsey as Eve
- Isabelle Van Vleet as Rachel
- Reynardo Ortiz Jr. as Mr. Suarez
- Stephanie Owen as Pie patron
- Tanya Thompson as Local Woman
The Holiday Fix Up Synopsis
A popular home renovation show designer, Sam returns to her hometown and decides to renovate the Bell Harbor Inn but she has to team up with the lead contractor before starting the renovation process. Here comes the twist, the senior contractor is none other than Sam’s heart breaker, Coop. Christmas eve is coming and Sam is running out of time, will she able to patch up once again for a better future together or ruin the event with a dead end?
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