Chip ‘n Dale Rescue Rangers Movie is an animated action comedy film directed by Akiva Scahffer, written by Dan Gregor and Doug Mand, and edited by Brian Scott Olds. Based on the 1989 cartoon series on the same name, the movie continues the story after thirty years of rescue rangers when Chip works as an insurance salesman and Dale had undergone a CGI surgery.
However, their childhood friend Monterey Jack mysteriously disappears after an incident, the team must reunite to investigate the matter and search for their castmate. The computer animated film is looking exciting but on what streaming network you can stream this movie. Let’s find out.
Where to stream Chip ‘n Dale Rescue Rangers Movie?
Chip ‘n Dale Rescue Rangers movie is exclusively streaming on Disney+ for its subscribers only. If you are having a valid subscription to the streaming network then you can watch new Chip n Dale movie for FREE without any problem. Otherwise, you are required to take a valid plan. Moon Knight and Miraculous Ladybug another popular CGI animated superhero series that is also available on the platform.
Is Chip ‘n Dale Rescue Rangers on Netflix?
Unfortunately, the streaming giant doesn’t own the distribution rights to stream Walt Disney Pictures movie. That’s why, the film isn’t streaming on Netflix but you can watch several movies similar to Rescue Rangers like Puss in Boots, Back to the Outback, The Breadwinner, Shrek, Kung Fu Panda 4, Flavors of Youth, etc. on the same network.
Does Amazon Prime have Chip ‘n Dale movie?
No, the movie isn’t included in the Prime Video subscription but the viewers can purchase it from the VOD section for certain amount of money. However, there are other films that you can access with an Amazon Prime subscription like Tom and Jerry, Batman Hush, Rango, Scoob!, Jumanji, Space Jam 2, Justice League Stuart Little, etc.
Voice Cast
- Andy Samberg as Dale
- John Mulaney as Chip
- Will Arnett as Sweet Pete
- Da’Vone McDonald as Jimmy the Polar Bear
- KiKi Layne as Ellie
- Eric Bana as Monterey Jack
- Keegan-Michael Key as Frog Co-Worker / Bjornson the Cheesemonger
- Flula Borg as DJ Herzogenaurach
- Tress MacNeille as High-Pitched Chip / Gadget
- Dennis Haysbert as Zipper
- Tim Robinson as Ugly Sonic
- J.K. Simmons as Captain Putty
- Seth Rogen as Bob the Warrior Viking / Pumbaa / Mantis / B.O.B
A good animated family comedy film which shows positive traits related to friendship with a good story.
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