The Outfit is a 2022 American thriller crime drama film directed and co-written by Graham Moore(The Imitation Game) and produced by Scoop Wasserstein, Amy Jackson, and Ben Browning under FilmNation Entertainment. It follows the story of an English tailor, Leonard who must outwit a dangerous group of goons to survive a fateful night.
Distributed by Focus Features and the original production company FilmNation, the mysterious drama film premiered first at the 72nd Berlin Film Festival on 14 Feb 2022. Now, it is scheduled to release on 18 March 2022 inside the United States, the film is already rated 7.7/10 on IMDb and a 92% score on Rotten Tomatoes.
Cast of The Outfit
Russell Beale(known for his role in BBC’s historical drama The Hollow Crown) and Mark Rylance(won Best Supporting actor award in 2015 for Bridge of Spies) are two best actors of their generation and they are sharing the big screen together. This will be a massive coupe to watch as these two will definitely have a blast.
- Dylan O’Brien as Richie
- Mark Rylance as Leonard
- Zoey Deutch as Mable
- Johnny Flynn as Francis
- Nikki Amuka-Bird as Violet
- Simon Russell Beale as Roy
- Alan Mehdizadeh as Monk
Where was The Outfit filmed?
The Outfit was filmed inside London, England, UK with cinematographer Dick Pope. Filming began on 5 March 2021 and wrapped up within April 2021 according to reports. Then, the movie was pushed into post production, editing was done was William Goldenberg while the music was composed by Alexandre Desplat.
Is The Outfit based on a true story?
No, Outfit is a fictional story based on the screenplay written by Jonathan McClain and Academy Award winner Graham Moore. The film has nothing to do with real life and is purely based on imagination. Although, the movie is not real like The Bombardment, Rylance has played the role of main character so well as the events look real at first sight.
Official Trailer
An official trailer has been released by Focus Features that highlights the struggle of Leonard while he is dealing with armed goons who are going to set his place on fire. Moreover, her daughter comes out of the room to see the house filled with uninvited guests.
The movie story follows a British tailor, Leonard who used to craft the best suits for men at London’s world-famous Savile Row street. He is popular with his crafts all over England and his shop is famous across rich persons of the royal family.
However, he finds himself in Chicago after a tragic incident that changed his life forever. He finds himself working at a small tailor shop in a rural town of Chicago where he designs beautiful costumes for only people who can afford them, a gangster family.
The movie will start premiering from 18 March 2022 inside the US cinemas.
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