Spice and Wolf Season 3 is creating buzz among fantasy romance anime fans as the new anime adaptation has been announced by the creators. The adventure anime TV series is directed by Takeo Takahashi, written by Naruhisa Arakawa, and animated by Imagin Studios. Based on the Japanese manga series on the same name written by Isuna Hasekura and illustrated by Keito Koume, the series follows a travelling merchant named Kraft who travels from one town to another to make a living. He aims to collect enough money to open his own shop and has already been travelling for seven years.
Will there be Spice and Wolf season 3?
Yes, there will be a season 3 for Spice and Wolf anime as the original author Isuna has confirmed that a new anime is happening based on his light novel series. The announcement was made in February 2022 with a small video showing Lawrence and Holo together.
When is Spice and Wolf season 3 coming out?
Even though, a new anime series confirmed for Spice and Wolf, no official release date is yet announced by the creators. Considering the production will take time, we can expect Spice and Wolf season 3 to be released around July 2024 on Hulu. It will also have a total of 13 episodes like the previous seasons.
Season 1 premiered in 2008 while the second season premiered just after next year in 2009. It’s been a decade since the last two seasons were released and now fans are thrilled to see another season of their favorite anime.
Even though, the show creators have previously declared that they aren’t interested in bringing more seasons despite public demand and enough manga material available. The positive news has just come out in Feb 2022 that give fans hope regarding the renewal future of Spice and Wolf anime series, it can be a sequel or spinoff but something happen.
Where to watch Spice and Wolf anime?
All the episodes of the anime series are streaming on Hulu(all seasons) and Funimation(season 1) inside the United States. Since most fans prefer dub version, the episodes are dubbed in English. Funimation Channel remains the original streaming TV network inside North America while Tokyo MX, CTC, KBS, TVA, tvk, TVS, and SUN remains the original network of Japan.
Indian viewers can watch the show on Netflix while rest of the world viewers need to take a Funimation subscription that includes only a single season of the series. In some countries, no even a single episode of Spice and Wolf anime is available.
About Spice and Wolf New Season
The story follows an adventurer and merchant Kraft Lawrence who is looking for some money to start his own shop. One day, he notices a sexy anime woman lying in his wagon. The woman’s ear look like wolf so the surprised Lawrence asks her to introduce herself. To which, the woman revealed that she is a wolf deity and her name is Holo.
She asks Kraft to take her back home and in return the girl’s intelligence help Lawrence to achieve greater gains in his trades. Finally, Lawrence become capable of opening his shop along with his wolf partner, Holo who is 600 years old but looks like a 15 year old Loli with a wolf tail and ears.
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