Jurassic World 4 is set to begin filming on July 31, 2024, under the direction of Gareth Edwards.
Jurassic World: Dominion ended with Biosyn Genetics establishing dinosaur preserves under the hood of medical research.
The shady corporation also conducted illegal dinosaur breeding experiments. By the film’s end, genetically engineered locusts threatened to trigger a global catastrophe.

Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard will not reprise their roles as Owen and Claire in the new Jurassic World film along with Laura Dern, Jeff Goldblum, and Sam Neill who had cameo appearances in Dominion.
Gareth Edwards to Direct Jurassic World 4
Known for modern films like Godzilla (2014) and Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016), Gareth Edwards is set to direct the upcoming part of the Jurassic Park film.
In an interview with Collider, Edwards shared his enthusiasm for the project:
“I was about to take a break and I started writing my next idea for a film, and this is the only movie that would make me drop everything like a stone and dive right in. I love Jurassic Park. I think the first movie is a cinematic masterpiece… so this opportunity is like a dream to me.”
Jurassic World 4 will start principal photography in Los Angeles this July. Koepp, writer of Jurassic Park and 2019’s short Battle at Big Rock, looks to craft another thrilling and thoughtful entry worthy of the Jurassic legacy.
Could Iconic T-Rex and Raptors Return in Jurassic City?
While the cast is still a mystery, might we see the return of classic dinosaur stars like the Tyrannosaurus rex and velociraptors?
As pioneered in the original film and tapped in later sequels, Jurassic World’s best asset is showcasing compelling human stories against the backdrop of spectacular creature effects.
Jurassic World 4 is set to premiere on July 2, 2025 inside the United States.