Dr Brain is a South Korean Drama TV series starring Lee Sun-kyun, Park Hee-soon, Seo Ji hye, Lee Yoo-young, Uhm Tae-goo, and Lee Jae-won. The thriller K-drama series has been created, written, and directed by Kim Jee-woon whose story is based on a Korean webtoon of the same name written by Hongjacga. Lee stars in the lead role as the brain scientist who is on a mission to unveil the suspicious deaths of his family members by hacking their dead brains. The series is full of suspense and thrill but where to stream Dr Brain Korean series?
Is Dr. Brain streaming on Netflix?
No, Dr Brain is not included in the huge collection of Netflix right now. However, you can stream various shows similar to this sci-fi thriller series like Squid Game, Swan Song, You are my Spring, Hit and Run, Locke & Key, Alice in Borderland, Sweet Home, You, etc.
Is Dr Brain available on Amazon Prime Video?
Unfortunately, Dr. Brain is not streaming on Amazon Prime Video. Neither it is streaming for subscribers nor it is available to rent/purchase from the platform. But there are some series that you can watch instead such as Jack Ryan, The Purge, Nikita, etc.
Where to watch Dr. Brain online?
Dr. Brain is exclusively streaming on the Apple TV+ only for its subscribers. The streaming service provides a 7-day free trial and after that you need pay $4.99 per month to gain complete access to all the Apple TV originals. This is the only platform where this Korean sci-fi thriller series is available.
Other than this sci-fi thriller K-series, Ted Lasso, Foundation, See, Swagger TV Series, Acapulco and even The Morning Show, and Swan Song are available to stream on Apple TV plus.
Is there a way to watch this Korean series for free?
The sci-fi K-series is not available to watch for free on any streaming platform but you can try the Apple TV plus for free if you are subscribing for the first time. But for the trial service, you need to attach your card so it’s better to take a month subscription and enjoy the full series. There is no place where the show is streaming for free.
About Dr. Brain
A genius scientist suffers a horrific personal tragedy when all his family members died in a mysterious manner. To uncover the truth, he starts experimenting on their deceased brains with the help of his latest technology. However, the supernatural experiment make things only worse and the scientist falls into the trap of emotions and past memories. Getting so involved in brain-hacking, he even forget the difference between reality and dreams.
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