BMF is an American crime drama TV series created by Randy Huggins. It follows the life story of Black Mafia Family, an infamous drug and money laundering organization that influenced a whole generation. This is the story of two brothers who rose from the decaying streets of Detroit, Michigan during the late 1980s and founded one of the biggest influential crime families in human history.
They founded a drug trading organization named BMF and sold over $270 Million worth cocaine. Even at the time of their arrest by FBI, $6 Billion cash retrieved from the family accumulated from unfair means as per series trailer. The series stars popular rappers Snoop Dogg, Eminem, and Kash Doll as well.
Is BMF on Netflix?
No, BMF is not yet streaming in the giant library of Netflix but there are various similar docuseries that you can watch on Netflix right now as Narcos, The Serpent, Dirty Money, Drug Lords, Snowden, Operation Finale, Don’t F**k with Cats: Hunting an Internet Killer, etc.
Can I watch BMF series on Amazon Prime?
Unfortunately, BMF is not included in the huge series collection of Amazon Prime and the series is not included in the Amazon Prime subscription. However, Prime Video subscribers can stream the series on the same platform by taking an additional subscription of Starz channel on Amazon.
Is BMF series on Hulu?
No, the documentary series is not yet included in the Hulu subscription but you can watch it by adding Starz to any Hulu plan for an additional $8.99 per month. Alternatively, you can watch Boston Legal, For Life, Damages, Burden of Truth, etc. within Hulu subscription.
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How to watch BMF series online?
BMF series is now streaming on STARZ while BMF movie The Rise and Fall of a Hip-Hop Drug Empire is streaming on Amazon Prime inside the United States. If you don’t have Starz then you can stream all BMF episodes on fuboTV. UK viewers can stream the series on Virgin TV Go and Australian viewers can watch it on Stan.
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