Directed by Mark Jean, Eight Gifts of Hanukkah is a newest Hallmark mysterious romantic film based on Donald Martin’s story that follows the busy life of an optometrist Sara Levin who is on her way to find the closest match with whom she can spend the Christmas eve. The movie has recently premiered on Fri, 3 Dec at 8 PM EDT but don’t worry if you have missed the time slot. You can re-watch it on the Hallmark Channel for the following days, 4 Dec at 10 PM, Dec 6 at 6 PM, Dec 12 at 2 PM, Christmas Day at 10 PM, and finally on 31st Dec at 12 PM Eastern Time. Let’s have a look at the filming locations that has been featured in the film.
Where was Eight Gifts of Hanukkah filmed?
Hallmark’s Eight Gifts of Hanukkah was filmed entirely in Langley, British Columbia during October 2021. The municipality of Langley in Southern BC featured prominently in the holiday film, also seen by the photos shared by cast members like Jack Epstein, Inbar Lavi and Alice Rose shared the photos while filming was ongoing.
Most of them marked Langley as it was the major shooting location like in Nine Kittens of Christmas. The city has emerged a major filming place for various 2021 Hallmark films because of the tax credit program promoted by the local govt of Canada comes in handy for producers. The lower exchange rate deals become unavoidable and producers happily filmed the movie.
- Inbar Lavi as Sara, the main protagonist
- Jack Epstein as Danel
- Sheila Tyson as Esther
- Barry Levy as Stuart
- Natalie Malaika as Keisha
- James Paladino (Santa)
- Alice Rose (Zoey)
- Michael Patrick Denis (Paul)
- Samantha Ferris (Myra)
- Oliver Rice (Nigel)
- David Kaye (Jacob)
- Doron Bell (Jimmy)
- Andrew Zachar (Adam)
- Joshua Harding (Jay)
- Amitai Marmorstein (Tom)
- Logan Tarasoff (Josh)
Eight Gifts of Hanukkah Plot
The story follows an optometrist named Sara Levin who goes on a quest to find out her secret admirer since she is receiving gifts one after another without any name on it. She tried remembering all her past lovers and dating partners but found nothing reasonable. So, she wore a trench coat and becomes detective Sara to uncover the identity of anonymous sender. To her surprise, the sender is the one she knew but and she can’t imagine if he will be her secret admirer, never ever.
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