Doctor Strange 2 in the multiverse of madness is an American superhero action film directed by Sam Raimi and written by Michael Waldron. Based on the Marvel comics character Doctor Stephen Strange, the film serves as the direct sequel to the 2016 film and the 28th film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The story follows the story after the defeat of Dormamu, this time the neurosurgeon has casted a weird spell accidentally that ends up bringing an evil Wanda from the multiverse.
Doctor Strange 2 Streaming Release Date and Time
Doctor Strange 2 in the Multiverse of Madness is scheduled to release on 8th July 2022 only on Disney+ after the theatrical run. Since the distribution rights are owned by Walt Disney Studios, the movie will be streaming for Disney plus subscribers. On the same day, Spiderman: No Way Home will be also released on the same streaming network.
Will Doctor Strange 2 be on Netflix?
Unfortunately, the Marvel superhero film Doctor Strange 2 will not be on Netflix but you can watch other superhero films on the same platform like Venom: Let There Be Carnage, Shazam, Harley Quinn, Spiderman: Far From Home, Wonder Woman, Suicide Squad, Hellboy, Batman, Hulk, etc.
Is Doctor Strange in the multiverse of Madness on Amazon Prime?
No, the latest film of Doctor Strange isn’t yet streaming for Prime Video subscribers. Neither it is included in the Amazon Prime subscription nor it is added in the VOD section where viewers can purchase it. However, you can watch other fictional films as Batman vs Superman, Green Lantern, Birds of Prey, Snake Eyes, The Mask, Code 8, etc.
Who’s in the cast of Doctor Strange 2?
- Benedict Cumberbatch as Doctor Stephen Strange
- Elizabeth Olsen as Wanda Maximoff / The Scarlet Witch
- Chiwetel Ejiofor as Baron Mordo
- Rachel McAdams as Dr. Christine Palmer
- Benedict Wong as Wong
- Xochitl Gomez as America Chavez
- Jett Klyne as Tommy Maximoff
- Michael Stuhlbarg as Dr. Nic West (as Michael Stühlbarg)
- Sheila Atim as Sara
- Julian Hilliard as Billy Maximoff
- Eden Nathenson as Ariann
- Adam Hugill as Rintrah
- Daniel Swain as London Master
- Topo Wresniwiro as Master Hamir
- Vinny Moli as Vinny
- Charlie Norton as The Weasel
- Ako Mitchell as Charlie
- David Tse as Kamar-Taj Teacher (as David K.S. Tse)
- Yasmin Chadwick as Rag Tag #1
- Anthony Knight as Rag Tag #2
- Nuakai Aru as Shield Bearer #1
- Jon Prophet as NY Passerby 616
- Victoria Grove as Shield Bearer #2
- Nina Jalava as Doctor Strange Fan
- Joshmaine Joseph as Gargantos Fight Spectator #1
- Kevin Dalton as Christine’s Father
- Orphee Sidibe as Bio Room Staff #1
- Ruth Livier as Elena Chavez
- Gregory Fung as Bio Room Staff #2
- Chess Lopez as Amalia Chavez
- Victoria Sterling as Rag Tag Student
- Jordan Alexandra as Office Worker
- Yenifer Molina as Gargantos Fight Spectator #2
- Anson Mount as Black Bolt
- Bobbie Little as Scared Woman #1
- Gabriella Cooper-Parsons as Scared Woman #2
- Cecilia Appiah as Waitress
- André Layne as Sanctuary Guard (as Andre Layne)
- Michael Waldron as Charlie’s Best Man
- Bruce Campbell as Pizza Poppa
- Lashana Lynch as Captain Marvel
- John Krasinski as Reed Richards
- Charlize Theron as Clea
- Soo Cole as Novice Warrior
- Marian Lorencik as Pizza Chef
- Keenan Moore as Paramedic
- Patrick Stewart as Professor Charles Xavier
- Hayley Atwell as Captain Carter
Doctor Stephen Strange casts a forbidden spell that opens the doorway to an alternate universe where he encounters a girl named Chavez. As doctor investigates further about the mysterious appearance of Chavez in their world with friend Wong, they uncover a new threat to humanity in the form of evil Wanda who is furious after the death of Vision. Will our superhero been able to save the world from the wrath of Wanda over humanity?
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