DMZ is a 2022 alternate history drama series created by Roberto Patino, directed by Ava DuVernay & Ernest Dickerson, and produced by Dale Williams & Tim Scanian. Based on the DC character created by Brian Wood and Riccardo Burchielli, the miniseries follow a New Yorker named Alma Ortega who becomes a symbol of hope in a demilitarize Manhattan Island. It stars Rosario Dawson and Hoon Lee in the main role along with other cast members. The series is rated 5.2 on IMDb with a stale score of 50% on Rotten Tomatoes.
DMZ Cast
- Venus Ariel as Nico
- Rosario Dawson as Alma
- Reynaldo Gallegos as Cesar
- Benjamin Bratt as Parco Delgado
- Adelina Santana as Cleo
- Juani Feliz as Carmen
- Marcel Mendoza as Baby Face
- Freddy Miyares as Skel
- Amandla Jahava as Nicole
- John Wu as Alex
- Mamie Gummer as Rose
- Alano Miller as Jordan
- Chad J. Wagner as Spanish Harlem King
- Henry G. Sanders as Cedric
- Bryan Gael Guzman as Christian Ortega
- Heng Theng as Brandon
- Osvaldo García as Spanish Harlem Kings Parco’s Crew
- Christopher Cocke as Evacuee
- Justine Edwards as U.S. Marine
- J.D. ‘Mr. Green’ Jones as Bowery Chieftain
- Randy Watson Jr. as Refugee
- Maxwell Highsmith as Manhattan Evacuee
- Vinny Costa as Evacuee
- Sage Shirley as Gang Member
- Chris Stein as Nordic Man
- Agam Darshi as Franklin
- Madison Johnson as Young Girl
- Christopher Daniel as Young Boy
- Stephen Shelton as Michael Bauer
- Brian Stapf as Richard Ortiz
- Marcia Adams as The Westside Kollectiv Crew Member
- Christopher Márquez as Joaquin
- Jade Wu as Susie
- Eddie Rattanasouk as Eddie
- Gloria Bishop as Evacuee
- Hoon Lee as Wilson
- Jordan Preston Carter as Odi Peerlis
- Alpha Trivette as Old Man
- Shiquita James as Gang Member
- Ava Ann Gale as Little evacuation girl
- Shane Berengue as Shane Berengue
- Eeryn Falk Lubicich as Self, Manhattan Refugee
- Angel Nair as Manhattan Civilian Refugee
DMZ Release Date and Time
The five episode miniseries has been released on HBO MAX on 17 March 2022. Also, a portion of the series broadcasted at SXSW in 12 March, 2022. Since, the series is limited there is no chance of renewal.
So, DMZ season 2 is not expected and most likely it will not happen in the future like Deadly Class Season 2, it was cancelled due to low ratings but this show is extremely popular but will not be renewed due to lack of content.
Filming & Production
The filming for the pilot episode was began in early 2020 inside Atlanta, GA and the episode was officially wrapped up on 16 March 2020. Filming for the remaining episodes was done in 2021 at the same shooting location along with some scenes taking place at Manhattan, New York.
Benjamin Bratt, Josh Pais, and Freddy Miyares were announced as the cast members while Robert Patino was assigned as the script writer.
DMZ takes place in a futuristic America where second civil war has broken out and Manhattan has become the demilitarized zone. However, a courageous woman attempts to find her lost her lost son in the dangerous environment.
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