Directed by Stephen Chbosky, Dear Evan Hansen movie is an American musical drama starring Ben Platt, Kaitlyn Dever, Amandla Stenberg, Nik Dodani, and Colton Ryan in lead roles. The story is about Evan Hansen, a high school senior who is suffering from a social anxiety disorder and fighting the biggest battle against his panic attacks. His actual journey of discovering himself starts when one of his classmate commits suicide to give up his life.
Dear Evan Hansen Movie Release Date
Dear Evan Hansen movie will be released on Friday, 24 September 2021 only in US cinemas. After some days, it will be available to stream on some OTT platforms as Netflix, Amazon Prime, and Hulu if film producers allowed.
- Ben Platt as Evan Hansen
- Kaitlyn Dever as Zoe Murphy
- Avery Bederman as Isabelle
- Gerald Caesar as Josh
- Amandla Stenberg as Alana Beck
- Colton Ryan as Connor Murphy
- Nik Dodani as Jared Kleinman
- Julianne Moore as Heidi Hansen
- Danny Pino as Larry Murphy
- Liz Kate as Gemma
- Marvin Leon as Skye
- Mariana Alvarez as Mrs. G.
- Amy Adams as Cynthia Murphy
- DeMarius Copes as Oliver
- Isaac Cole Powell as Rhys
- Tommy Kane as Greg
- Swift Rice as Mr. Howard
The official trailer for Dear Evan Hansen movie has been released on 18th of May on YouTube by Universal Pictures which shows Evan’s singing career and depict many details about his personal life.
Evan is struggling from his social anxiety and that’s why his coach advised him to write letters to himself. This will help him to calm down his stress and allow him to focus on his talent. After the suicidal death of one of his classmate, he starts to rediscover himself but gets trapped in a series of confrontational events.
Is Dear Evan Hansen based on a true story?
No, Dear Evan Hansen is not mostly based on a true story but inspired from a real traumatic event that happened at Benj Pasek’s high school with a student in Philadelphia suburbs according to the Washington Post. So, writers Pasek, Paul, and Stevenson recollect the idea from Pennsylvania high school and build a musical to inspire people.
What do you think will happen when Dear Evan Hansen comes out? Will it be a blockbuster or dust gatherer?
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