Created by Bert V. Royal, Cruel Summer is an American thriller TV series sets in 1993 inside the sleepy town of Skyline, Texas. The story moves around the disappearance of a popular teenager, Kate Wallis whose body found in the basement of a local man one year later of her disappearance. Coincidentally, the man also died during the rescue operation.
Cruel Summer Episode 6 Release Date & Time
Cruel Summer Episode 6 titled ‘An Ocean Inside Me’ will be released on Tuesday, 18 May 2021 at 10 PM ET on Freeform. New episodes are landing every Tuesday on the official streaming platform. If you are having a Hulu subscription then you can also watch the new episodes one day later the official launch.
Episode 5 Recap
In Episode 5 we saw events that occur on July 29 of 1993, 1994, and 1995, when the annual County Fair happens in Skylin, Texas. Jeanette reluctantly goes on a date in 1993, tries to talk to Kate however fails in 1994, and briefly sings karaoke with Angela (Brooklyn Sudano) in 1995.
Kate wins a carnival recreation at Martin’s sales space in 1993, confronts Jamie (Froy Gutierrez) about his kiss with Jeanette in 1994, and vandalizes Martin’s grave with Mallory’s (Harley Quinn Smith) assist in 1995.
Cruel Summer Episode 6 Spoilers
In the few past episodes, Jeanette is becoming an important victim and in the upcoming episode of Cruel Summer, we will be able to see Jeanette’s emotional connection with her mother, Cindy.
It seems that her mother is the person who worrying about her daughter and Martin is the one who puts Cindy’s daughter behind the bars. Her mother starts doubting on her after arrest and wonders if she has been lying about other little things. Jeanette gets surprised on seeing her mom like that.
Moreover, Angela and Jeanette sings Karaoke together. Remember, Greg and Angela are close to each other in 1995, and that same year is going on.
What do you think will happen in Cruel Summer episode 6? Do you think Jeanette’s mom is saving her?
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