Chapelwaite is an American horror TV series that follows the tragic life of Captain Charles Boone after the death of his wife. He planned to return back home with his children to his small town of Preacher’s Corners. When he reached, a dark family starts to haunt them until they finally met. The horror drama series is based on the short story Jerusalem’s Lot written by an American author Stephen King. Let’s find out the places where you can stream the Chapelwaite movie online at your home.
Is Chapelwaite on Netflix?
Chapelwaite is not yet included in the giant library of Netflix but you can watch some similar horror series as The Haunting of Hill House, V Wars, The Walking Dead, Castle Rock, Slasher, Madianne, Stranger Things, Chilling Adventures of Sabrina etc.
Can I stream Chapelwaite on Amazon Prime Video?
Unfortunately, the suspense filled series is not yet streaming on Amazon Prime basic subscription package. However, you can watch the show on Prime Video with Amazon + EPIX subscription.
Is Chapelwaite 2021 on Hulu or HBO MAX?
Neither Hulu is having that horror drama nor HBO MAX but there are various shows like this horror drama that you can watch on Hulu as Castle Rock, American Horror Stories, Helstrom, etc. On HBO MAX, you can watch Lovecraft Country, True Country, 30 Coins, The Fades, etc.
Where to watch Chapelwaite?
Chapelwaite is streaming on the official website of EPIX and mobile app. You can simply login with your Epix account on the mobile application and enter your subscription details. After that, you will be able to see the latest horror series. Also, you can watch the show on TV services like YouTubeTV, SlingTV, FuboTV, Spectrum, Philo, DirecTV, and Xfinity.
Plot Review
Episode 1 was a slow start as it was all about setup. Not much happens in the first episode but as the second ep landed, our interest start to build. We don’t usually look through historical or dark dramas but Adrien Brody really makes it interesting with his acting and narrating skills. Moreover, the writers have tried their best to catch user’s attention and this reflects a little when we start watching.
Then, comes the actual story of the movie when a moody sea captain is spending his life with his wife and children, all the members of his family are having the experience about surviving at the sea as they have spend their entire life there. When his wife dies, captain decides to go back hometown with his children but that’s the beginning of a new problem. A dark family starts to haunt them and the villagers make the matter worse as after a phone call in Diary of a Future President 3.
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