A Christmas Proposal is CBS’s festival themed romance movie directed by Martin Wood and written by Mark Amato. It follows a chef, Maria who always dreamt of having her own food trucks but when she realized that her dream is about to disappear, she picks up attorney Julian and people mistaken her as the attorney’s GF. Maria has to fake her identity if she wants to have a food truck she always wanted in the snowy filming locations of most Holiday movies.
Where was CBS’s A Christmas Proposal Filmed?
A Christmas Proposal was filmed at the location of Vancouver, British Columbia. The filming began in the last week of May 2021 and wrapped up on 7 June 2021 covering 2-3 weeks. The places were specially designed for the shooting of movie such as Pacific Central Station where fake snow was used.
Most of the scenes were shot inside Rocky Mountaineer Vancouver Station that is located at 1755 Cottrell Street of Vancouver. Some other movies filmed at the same place were A Dickens of a Holiday, Christmas Sail, Coyote Creek, etc.
- Jessica Camacho as Maria
- Adam Rodriguez as Julian
- Jaime M. Callica as Manny
- Frank Crudele as Paliotti
- Luisa D’Oliveira as Brooklyn
- Claudia Ferri as Helena
- Bianca Caroca as Daphne
- Juan Chioran as Charles
- Geoff Gustafson as Gabe
- Renée Taylor as Server
- Shawn Hook as Shawn
- Serge Houde as Bill Pendergast
- Ella May as Restaurant Guest
- Sandra Shapiro as Hostess
- Malaika Jackson as Donna
- Andres Soto as Bennett
A Christmas Proposal 2021 Plot
The synopsis reads as: A struggling personal chef Maria who dreams of having her own food truck someday. One day, she drives for a ride-share app where she gets a chance to meetup with a wealthy, powerful and cranky lawyer, Julian. Maria is going to pick one passenger on her way to the Christmas Party and the passenger turns out to be Julian who is paying to drive 100 miles outside the Seattle so that he can enjoy Christmas with his powerful dad. He also feared that his dad gonna promote his brother because he is more responsible with wife and kids.
However, the situation appears to be in control when Julian’s parents see him with Maria, they assume that she is their next family member that their son was talking about. Julian takes the advantage of the misunderstanding and convince Maria to become a real couple. This looks like a dream come true for Maria when Julian promised her to purchase one for her.
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