86 season 2 episode 6 is set to premiere this Sunday at its respected time. The TV anime series is a popular mecha sci-fi anime franchise based on the Japanese light novel series of the same name ‘Eighty-six’ or ’86’ written by Asato Asato and illustrated by Shirabii. It follows a war of dominance between two great empires(Empire of Giad vs Republic of San Magnolia) who are fighting to suppress each other nations and show domination. Republic ones are betraying the people of their own nation by telling that they are using drones to fight but the reality is faraway from that, actual humans are running those machines from inside.
The series is advancing to a more crazier plot as in the last episode, we saw Frederica was stunned to see Shin acting weird and wondered if he might ends up like Kiri. Federacy was almost crumbled by their enemies and is only saved by the Nordlicht squadron counter attack.
86 Season 2 Episode 6 Release Date and Time
86 Season 2 Episode 6 titled ‘I Won’t Forget’ is set to release in Japan on November 7, 2021. It will air at different times on Tokyo MX, BS11, ytv, GYT, GTV, and CTV. The mecha science fiction TV anime series has been developed by the collaborative efforts of Studio A-1, Bandai Spirits, Kadokawa, and Aniplex. Toshimasa Ishii is the director and Nobuhiro Nakayama is the producer.
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Where to Stream 86 Season 2 Online?
People with a subscription to Crunchyroll can watch both the seasons of eighty six anime. All the episodes are available in the original Japanese audio and English subtitles along with 8 more languages subtitles. Alternatively, viewers can also stream the newest episodes on VRV, iQIYI, and Bilbili.
86 Season 2 Episode 6 Spoilers
In Eighty Six episode 16, Legion starts attacking against the Federacy leaving them stunned, the attack was so powerful that neighborhood nations have ever seen. Hopefully, Nordlicht squadron holds the command and finally managed to slow Legion forces. Shin moves forward to attack Legion and demolish various units in full enjoyment. Frederica was witnessing Shin who took pleasure in destroying things that reminds her of Kiri who fall into madness.
On the other hand, Legion withdraws his forces from the Federacy and plans to deploy the forces in the Republic of San Magnolia. Frederica warned Shin about his behavior in battlefield that was looking similar that leads to Kiri’s madness. When the news break inside Republic HQ that Legion is coming to attack, Lena’s uncle takes the responsibility to hold Legion until Lena managed to connect with 86 pilot simultaneously.
86 Season 2 Episode 6 will show how Lena establish the connection with 86 pilots at the same time while Legion is coming to attack with his special forces. Lena’s uncle is fighting at the frontline and enemies are marching towards them, how long will he able to hold them? Will Lena manage to defeat Legion?
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