Surviving Summer is an Australian teen drama series created by Josh Mapleston and Joanna Werner, executively produced by Stuart Menzies and produced under Werner Film Productions. The television series started premiering on 3 June 2022 on the original broadcaster Netflix with a total of 10 episodes. It stars Sky Katz, Kai Lewins, Savannah La Rain, Joao Gabriel and Liliana Bowrey in the main roles. The story follows a rebellious teenager who is sent to create a revolution in the tiny town of Shorehaven but he becomes the great admirer of the village himself.
Where was Surviving Summer filmed?
Surviving Summer TV series was filmed in the small town of Shorehaven inside Victoria, Australia. Filming began on 2 March 2021 inside Shorehaven and wrapped up during mid 2021 near Melbourne.
The state of Victoria is located in the southeastern region of Australia. It is known for The Great Ocean Road, an historical road contains national parks, charming towns, unexplored terrains, and stunning coastlines. The 240 Kilometers road begins from Torquay city and ends up in the Allansford city. Due to the long track and favorable environment, various marathons and cycling events are organized at the location every year.
Some scenes also highlight Victorian Surf Coast along with the beach celebrities in Melbourne. Most people finds Victoria and Melbourne same but in real life, the Greater Melbourne(or the greater Melbourne) is a separate geographical area that defines Melbourne as a city and capital of Victoria State. Another difference is Victoria is a state while Melbourne is a capital city.
The Australian place serves an important filming location for various TV shows like Five Bedrooms, Deadly Yoga Retreat, Love Me, Wentworth, and movies like The King’s Daughter, Predestination, The Great Outdoors etc.
Cast of The Surviving Summer
- Sky Katz as Summer Torres
- Kai Lewins as Ari Gibson
- Lilliana Bowrey as Poppy Tetanui
- Savannah La Rain as Bodhi Mercer
- Adrienne Pickering as Abbie Gibson
- Cantona Stewart as Prawnie Tetanui
- Chris Alosio as Manu
- Dustin Clare as Thommo
- Joao Marinho as Marlon Sousa
- Natalie Bond as Freya
- Asmara Feik as Honey
- Tatiana Hotere as Luciana Sousa
- Ilai Swindells as Nico
- Mitchell Hardaker as Griff Temple
- Kate Beahan as Margot
- Timothy Bell as Judge Roberts
- Danielle Horvat as Molly
- Joey Coley-Sowry as Jarrah Island Official
- James Mason as Eddie
- Charli Wookey as Sheridan Morehouse
- Jackson Gallagher as Trav Morphett
- Sheena Reyes as Helen
- Richie Fitzgerald as Surf Judge
- Bert LaBonté as Matthias Mercer
A teen from Brooklyn, Summer Torres is sent to live with a family in the small town of Australia but she eventually falls in love with the town, people, and especially the surf instead of attracting them to the Brooklyn.
Netflix’s Surviving Summer Review
A teen friendly show made by Netflix that is easy to binge. Most of the teenagers find the show amazing and a big hit. The most interesting part is the relationship of Summer with other characters, how she starts and how she ends up with the villagers. Moreover, the Australian landscape is gorgeous and calming.
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