Rescued by Ruby is an American biographical drama film directed by Katt Shea and written by Karen Janszen. Based on the real story of an officer, the movie follows a state trooper named Dan who dreams to join K-9 search and rescue state police team but no one is willing to give him a chance. The scenes shown in the film are based on a real story but the filming places were ready made. The film is produced by Dan Angel, Jane Charles, and Brian Gott under Fezziwig Studios Production. Let’s dive right into the shooting locations.
Rescued by Ruby Filming Locations
Rescued by Ruby was filmed inside Vancouver and Victoria of British Columbia, Canada. Principal filming began on 2 June 2021 and wrapped up on 14 July 2021, according to IMDb. Even though, the real story sets in Rhode Island, the actual filming was done in Canadian province.
The director’s assistant Caitlin Mooney-Fu shared the photo on the 11th day of shooting on her Instagram confirming that the shooting was ongoing inside Victoria along with producer’s assistant Suzie Philippot. David shared the photo when fourth take was taken. Some recent shows and movies filmed in Vancouver are The Adam Project, Upload Season 2, etc.
On July 14, David Bercovici-Artieda shared that the filming has wrapped up and thanked Fezziwig and Peacemaker Filmworks to keep up the great work. The Beaver Lake Regional Park is also featured in the film. Elk Lake and Beaver Lake are conjoined lakes that boast four fantastic family friendly beaches. The place is famous for fishing, canoeing, rowing, and birdwatching.
Grant was busy with family in Los Angeles while the Flash movie shooting begin in April 19, 2021 in London and Glasgow which is nearly 5,000 miles away from the United States. Then, the star was on the set of Rescue by Ruby in June-July 2021.
This is the reason why Grant Justin will not be seen in the movie of Flash with Ezra Miller but will be seen in season 8 as its filming was done within Vancouver. The original studio also shared some behind the scene photos in Feb before the official launch of the film on Netflix.
Cast of Rescued By Ruby
- Grant Gustin as Dan
- Kaylah Zander as Melissa
- Eileen Pedde as Sergeant Amanda Grinnell
- Jude Culham-Keays as Michael
- Camille Sullivan as Pat Inman
- Denis Corbett as Happy van owners
- Scott Wolf as Matt Zarrella
- Sharon Taylor as Sam
- Brad Mann as Tommy Two Towers
- Todd Mann as Billy Two Towers
- Wil Thompson as Teenager
- Giacomo Baessato as Rick McGuinness
- Yolanda Corbett as Happy van owners
- Stephen Adekolu as Father
- Tom McBeath as Seamus Brady
- Adam Gillese as Big Wheel Kid
Rescued By Ruby Synopsis
The official Netflix synopsis of Rescued By Ruby reads Dan, a state trooper dreams of joining the K-9 search and rescue team but no one will give him a chance. On the other side, a shelter dog, Ruby is running in search of having a sweet home but become hopeless on getting nothing. The destiny brings the Dan and Ruby together and their bond of friendship become unbeatable.
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