Stay Close is a British crime drama series directed by Daniel O’Hara whose story is based on the 2012 novel of the same name by Harlan Coben. The eight episode series is produced by Red Production Company for Netflix and is premiering on the streaming platform since 31st Dec 2021. It follows the story of a detective mother whose life turned upside down when a person from her past meets her again to deliver a shocking news for her. The series highlights the events and attempts of the group to stay calm while dealing with past from present.
Where was Netflix’s Stay Close filmed?
Stay Close Netflix series was filmed inside various locations in England, United Kingdom. According to sources, the official filming began on 8th Feb 2021 and wrapped up on 30 July 2021. Moreover, the director also shared the photos at the time of shooting that features Blackpool, Manchester, and North West England.
Most of the filming took place in the industrial metropolitan area of Great Manchester which is famous for nightclubs, apartments(shown in The Circle) and outstanding scenery. The scenes showing Ray’s studio were filmed in the Ashton town located at the northern side of River Tame. Didsbury was also featured in the film.
The coastal scenes were shot at Blackpool town like the Mardi Gras and Bar Mitzvah. Morecambe was also given a chance to get featured in the Netflix miniseries especially when it comes to Lorraine Grigg’s residence.
Who’s in Stay Close cast?
- Cush Jumbo as Megan Shaw / Cassie
- Daniel Francis as Dave Shaw
- Sarah Parish as Lorraine, the mysterious woman from Megan’s past
- James Nesbitt as Broome
- Phillip Gascoyne as Chief Inspector Gary Blakefield
- Eddie Izzard as Harry
- Jo Joyner as Erin Cartwright
- Youssef Kerkour as Fester
- Richard Armitage as Ray
- Dylan Francis as Jordan Shaw
- Bethany Antonia as Kayleigh Shaw
- Tallulah Byrne as Laura Shaw
- Andi Osho as Simona
- Poppy Gilbert as Barbie
- Hyoie O’Grady as Ken
- Rachel Andrews as Bea
Stay Close Synopsis
The series stars a workaholic mother Megan whose previous life as a stripper named Cassie comes to haunt her once again. Those persons whom she want to left behind still coming to ruin her present life. Actually, there was a customer named Stewart who became obsessed with her so much that he even doing extreme things to her. Moreover, Stewart’s become intense when Cassie began dating a weird photographer named Ray. Eventually, Stewart died mysteriously but was he actually dead or just vanished to come again in Megan’s life?
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