Juvenile Justice is a South Korean legal drama series created by Netflix, written by Kim Min-seok and directed by Hong Jong-Chan under two production companies: Gill Pictures and GTist. The series highlights the story of a chief justice, Shim Eun-seok who is known for his cold personality due to which she is quite infamous among young peoples for her clear judgements. Most of the scenes shown in the series were filmed in a single district of Korea. Let’s find out the exact places now.
Juvenile Justice Filming Locations
Juvenile Justice was filmed inside North Gyeongsang, South Korea. Filming began on 4 May 2021 and wrapped up in June 2021. Around Nov 2020, it was confirmed that Soo has accepted the offer from Netflix. Most of the filming took place in the easternmost region of South Korea. The film sets in Yeonhwa which is a suburban town located around 17 Kilometers away from Daegu where Squid Game was filmed.
The place was known as the electronics capital but now it has broadened its economy and turned into an overall great performer. Even though, the director shared that the film was shot in Gyeongsang only, the real Yeonhwa was used to shoot some scenes.
A production special video was released on 22 Feb 2022 which shows the complete struggle of the cast members while they were working on the series. They have to look sharp and perform with the same mindset.
Remember, the time when lead star Kim Hyesoo sent support truck to Hyeonsoo while she was filming Snowdrop but the fun fact is they don’t know each other because they have never worked together. This might be a sign of possible closeness between the two.
Juvenile Justice Cast
- Rich Ting
- Anzu Lawson
- Lee Bom
- Reyn Doi as Seong-U
- Katie Anne Moy as Actress
- Daniel Hall as Gang-Sik
- Kim Hye-su as Shim Eun Seok
- Ren Hanami as I-Wan’s Mom
- Lee Jeong-eun as Na Geun Hee
- Mu-Yeol Kim as Cha Tae Joo
- Lee Yeon as Beak Seung-woo as Conspirator
- Hwang Hyun-jung as Han Ye-eun as The main culprit
- Lee Sung-min as Kang Won Joong
- Jo Mi-nyeo as Goo Seol-ah as Juvenile pickpocket criminal
- Kim Bo-young as Choi Young-na
- Park Chae-hee as Kim Ah-jin
- Kim Jun-ho as Kang Shin-woo/Kang Won-joong’s son
- Shim Dal-gi as Seo Yu-ri
- Yoon Seo-ah as Go Hye-rim
- Jo Yoon-soo as Yoon Eun-jeong
- Kim Do-gun as Seo Dong-gyun
- Ha i-an as Woo Min-kyung
- Kim Jung-yoon as Yeo-eun
- Baek Mi-joo as Jung Soo-bin
- Choi Ji-soo as Oh Yeon-ji
- Song Deok-ho as Kwak Do-seok
- Yeom Hye-ran as Oh Seon-ja as Director of Pureum Youth Recovery Center
yeom hye-ran Juvenile Justice is a K-drama that brings a message to society that how society is also involved in many juvenile acts. It shows the story of an elite judge named Shim Eun-seok who is known for her cold and distant personality. She has just become the judge of a juvenile court in Yeonhwa district and there she is punishing the offenders in her own ways. In her latest position, she tackles a lot of complex cases and learned what it feels like an adult in real life.
Although, the drama is not based on a true story but it has drawn inspiration from real life incidents and modern day society.
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The foot chase scene in episode one was in Eunhang Dong, Daejeon.
Thanks for adding that.