A Kiss Before Christmas is a family comedy film by Hallmark directed under Jeff Beesley, the screenwriting is done by Mark Amato and Tracy Andreen. The latest family comedy of Hallmark has recently premiered on the Hallmark channel on Sunday, 21 November at 8 PM EDT. It follows a real estate professional who starts to overthink about his current his current life situation, how he is doing his financial job and still broke. Moreover things take a different turn when he found that his children are missing along with his wife. Will he able to find his family?
A Kiss Before Christmas Filming Locations
A Kiss Before Christmas Hallmark movie was filmed in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada according to CTV News. The official filming wrapped up on 8 October 2021 within the same region. Winnipeg is the largest and capital city of Manitoba that is very familiar to Hallmark films like Love Strikes Twice filmed, A Winter Getaway, etc. Fake snow was adorned around the streets through early October outside RBC Convention Centre in downtown area of the city.
Hallmark Movie A Kiss Before Christmas Cast
- James Denton as Ethan, the main protagonist who becomes the CEO of company
- Teri Hatcher as Joyce, wife of Ethan
- Marilu Henner as Rona
- Sophia Elena Bachart (Tisha)
- Rochelle Kives (Nina Sherman)
- John B. Lowe (Santa)
- Gino Anania (Ted)
- Sharon Bajer (Lottie)
- Chelsey Mark (Will Sherman)
- Micaela Angelina Lozano (Val Renner)
- Carson Kroeker (Colin)
- Rod Wilson (Sean)
- April Blackbird (Akari)
- Rachel McLaren (Sonja)
- Jason Salamandyk (Bizarro Ethan)
- Aaron Hughes (Gus)
- Hazel Wallace (Paola)
- Lisa Bell (Anna)
A Kiss Before Christmas movie synopsis reads as follows:
A nice real estate development executive wished to be a different life and thought that if he was a little more selfish and unkind then his life would be much better. The next day, he wakes up as the CEO of his company and his marital status remains single without any kids. It seems that the dream comes true and he’s financially free now but everything seems colorless without anyone with whom he can share his happiness.
Even though, he was sad at first with his bank statements but he was well loved by his kids and had a loving, caring wife, Joyce who lived for him. Now, if he wants to rebound with her ex-wife who doesn’t remember anything about him. And he doesn’t has the whole life to prove himself but time until the coming Christmas.
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