A Journal for Jordan is an American drama film directed and co-produced by Denzel Washington along with producer Todd Black. The screenplay is written by Virgil Williams and the idea inspired from the memoir of the same name written by Dana Canedy that follows the true life story of Charles Monroe King who was the first sergeant deployed in Iraq. It has recently released inside US cinemas on the Christmas day, 25 Dec 2021 by Sony Pictures Entertainment.
Is A Journal for Jordan on Netflix?
A Journal for Jordan is not available to stream on Netflix right now and is not expected to arrive on the streaming giant. Alternatively, you can watch The Pursuit of Happyness, Lion, Moneyball, The Sky is Pink, Snowpiercer etc. on Netflix. The company has recently signed a deal with Sony Pictures that will allow Netflix to stream the movies released by Sony in 2022.
Can I watch A Journal for Jordan on Amazon Prime?
Sadly, the drama is not yet streaming for Prime Video subscribers. Neither it is available to watch from the streaming catalogue nor it is available in the VOD section where you can rent or purchase it at some price. It will probably available to rent/purchase soon so make sure to checkout the service. Till that time, you can watch Danger Close, We were soldiers, World Trade Center, Beneath Hill 60, etc.
Where to stream A Journal for Jordan movie?
A Journal for Jordan is now streaming inside US cinemas and if you are planning to watch the movie then you need to book a ticket to your nearest movie theatre. Since the movie has released theatrically, there is no other way to stream the movie right away. It might available online in the near future but the biopic is not available to stream elsewhere other than cinema hall.
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