Umma 2022 is a supernatural horror film directed and written by Iris K Shim that follows a Korean immigrant mother, Amanda who lives on a rural farm with her daughter, Chris raising bees for livelihood without any involvement of modern technology. The film is produced by Sam Raimi and Zainab Azizi under Stage 6 Films, Raimi Productions, and Starlight Media. Distributed by Sony Pictures Releasing, the movie is premiering inside US cinemas since 18 March 2022.
Umma 2022 Cast
- Sandra Oh as Amanda
- Fivel Stewart as Chris
- Mulroney Dermot
- MeeWha Alana Lee
- Odeya Rush Dermot
- Mark Kirksey as Paramedic
- Tom Yi
- Danielle K. Golden as Paramedic
- Hana Marie Kim as Young Girl (as Hana Kim)
Where to stream Umma?
Umma 2022 movie released got a theatrical release on 18 March 2022 inside USA cinemas. However, the film is not yet scheduled to release on Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Hulu, Disney+ or any OTT platform right now, but is expected to release sometime in the future.
An official trailer has been released by Sony Pictures that shows Amanda’s fear to become her deceased mom after her spirit returned from Korea to haunt her as nightmare.
Where was Umma movie filmed?
Umma was originally planned to film in Vancouver during April 2020, Discussing Film reported but the shooting was shifted to LA after the months-long production shutdowns. The principal filming began on 7 October 2020 inside Los Angeles, California by Umma Productions situated at 10202 W. Washington Blvd., Stage 6, Culver City, CA 90232.
In Jan 2020, Sandra Oh joined the cast while Iris was announced as the director who also wrote screenplay with Sam Raimi. The production was set to begin in April with Matt Flannery as the cinematographer, Louis Cloffi as editor, and Roques Banos as musician.
However, complete shutdown of the Vancouver barred the filming plans of directors. Till that time, Fivel Stewart, , MeeWha Alana Lee and Tom Yi were announced to cast in the film. And finally, the filming started in Oct 2020 inside LA like Windfall.
Umma 2022 film follows Amanda and her daughter who lives a quite life in an American farm after coming from South Korea as immigrant. Everything seems right until Amanda receives the cremated ashes of her mother who died years ago. Now, the estranged mother of Amanda has come to haunt her by taking her body for itself. The estranged mother is revived in the form of spirit and now Amanda is living with the spirit of her deceased mom.
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Wasn’t filmed in LA entirely – the house is Bloom Ranch in Acton, CA (very much outside of LA)