Tokyo Revengers is an anime adaptation of the Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Ken Wakui. The story is about a youngster, Takemichi Hanagaki who goes back to his middle school days when he was about to run over by a train. He jumps in his school when his girlfriend Hinata was alive and there he decides to built a better future for him. The anime series started streaming this year and has streamed 10 episodes so far. Let’s see when will Tokyo Revengers episode 11 comes out?
Tokyo Revengers Episode 11 Release Date
Episode 11 of the Tokyo Revengers will be released on 20 June 2021 on MBS, TV Tokyo, QAB, RKK, TVh, and AT-X. Viewers outside Japan can see the premiere on Crunchyroll, VRV, and on the official YouTube channel of Muse Asia.
Episode 10 Recap
In episode 10, we saw Kiyomasa stabs Drkaen and Takemichi reached the place and finds Drkaen is in his pool with blood. There was so much blood as for a while Takemichi thinks he is not alive but later on he approached him and finds out that he is not dead but stabbed by Kiyomasa. Hinata and Emma also arrive at the place to bring ambulance and take the injured guy to the hospital.
Now, Kiyomasa is approaching on the spot with his clan members and declare that Takemichi is going to die from their hands but Kiyomasa’s overconfidence turned into toilet and Takemichi friends choke him until the ambulance arrives to take Draken successfully.
Tokyo Revengers Episode 11 Spoilers
Tokyo Revengers Episode 11 preview shows that Draken’s injuries are so severe that appears to be life-claiming but don’t worry he will survive and Takemichi believe that he has modified the future successfully without any problem. On the other side, Manji fight is continue with Moebius and probably the former will defeat he later in the upcoming episode.
What do you think will possibly happen in Tokyo Revengers episode 11 now?
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