The Lost Symbol is an American adventure Peacock TV series based on a thrilling novel of the same name written by author Dan Brown in 2009, the series has been developed by Dan Dworkin and Jay Beattie that stars Ashley Zukerman, Eddie Izzard, and Valorie Curry. Plot for the series moves around the action filled adventures of a young Robert Langdon (played by Zukerman) who is going to solve deadly puzzles in order to save his mentor from a spine-chilling conspiracy.
The Lost Symbol Release Date
The Lost Symbol movie was set to release on 31 May 2021 on Peacock TV but it has been delayed due to some post production problems. Firstly, it was planned to release as a movie but now the Peacock original is coming as a series on Peacock TV. This is the favorite Brown novel of most of the people so the excitement gets double and eagerness increase.
An official release date is not yet announced by the show makers but the series is speculated to premiere in November 2021, don’t know how far it is true. Hopefully, this might be true because we and you are thrilled to see the adventures of Robert. This is the third novel by Brown that is about to release after The Da Vinci Code and Angels & Demons.
The Lost Symbol Cast
The following actors and actresses are announced to cast in the upcoming puzzle adventure series.
- Ashley Zukerman as Robert Langdon
- Valorie Curry as Katherine Solomon
- Eddie Izzard as Peter Solomon
- Sumalee Montano as Sato, Director of the OS
- Rick Gonzalez as Nunez, a uniformed Capitol policeman
- Beau Knapp as Mal’akh
- Raoul Bhaneja
- Sammi Rotibi as Agent Adamu
- Keenan Jolliff as Zachary Solomon
There is an official trailer available for the upcoming series so you can also watch it to gather more details.
The Lost Symbol Plot
The story of Lost Symbol is set in Washington DC and will feature details that got covered in Dan’s thriller. Not much information is available regarding the story but an official synopsis states that a young Harvard symobologist, Robert Langdon is hired by the CIA to solve a number of mind-boggling cases when his mentor got kidnapped. The rest story you will find after the show premiere as Space Jam 2.
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