Halo TV series is an American sci-fi show developed and written by Kyles Killen and Steven Kane, the story is based on the massively popular video game franchise of the same title which follows a war between UN Space command and a military alliance consisting of various alien species. The military action drama series has been created under Amblin Television, 343 Industries, One Big Picture, Chapter Eleven, Paramount Television Studios and Showtime Networks. Steven Spielberg also serves as the executive producer for the series.
Halo TV Series Release Date
Halo: The Television Series is set to release on 24 March 2022 exclusively for Paramount+ subscribers. It will be having a total of 9 episodes with an average runtime of 40 minutes.
The New Halo series was already announced in 2015 with Steven Spielberg as the main producer but the production pushed into development hell till 2019 when the project was handed over to Rupert Wyatt as director and producer. However, Wyatt stepped down and Kyle Killen was assigned as the showrunner by Showtime with an order of 10 episodes, which was later picked up by Paramount plus like Yellowstone.
The episode count was also reduced to 9 due to scheduling conflicts of Wyatt. Steven Kane was also assigned to complete the production. The show was then planned to release in 2020 and then the pandemic took over and finally it is now planned to air in Mar 2022. Moreover, Justin Falvey revealed in Jan 2022 that the show has potential to go through many seasons and opened the gate for a possible season 2 of Halo.
Filming Locations
Filming for the Halo TV series was began in Oct 2019 in Ontario, Canada and halted in Dec 2019 due to Covid-19 pandemic. Till that time, five episodes were completed and the filming resumed once again in February 2021 to begin shooting from the sixth episode in Budapest, Hungary, Variety reported. The first five episodes were pushed into post production within pandemic lockdowns in May 2020.
Halo TV Series Cast
- Pablo Schreiber as Master Chief of Halo
- Jen Taylor as voice of Cortana
- Yerin Ha as Quan Ah
- Charlie Murphy as Makee
- Bokeem Woodbine as Soren-066
- Jen Taylor as Cortana
- Natascha McElhone as Dr. Catherine Halsey
- Kate Kennedy as Kai-125
- Shabana Azmi as Admiral Margaret Parangosky
- Olive Gray as Dr. Miranda Keyes
- Julian Bleach as Mercy
- Bentley Kalu as Vannak-134
- Natasha Culzac as Riz-028
- Ryan McParland as Adun
- Johnny K. Palmer as Control Tech Ladi
- Casper Knopf as Young John
- Sarah Ridgeway as John’s Mother
- Karl Johnson as Truth
- Danny Sapani as Captain Jacob Keyes
- Hilton McRae as Regret
- Fiona O’Shaughnessy as Laera
- Duncan Pow as John’s Father
- Gábor Nagypál as Squirrel
- Claudius Peters as MP Malya
- Francisco Labbe as David Agnoli
- Miranda Wilson as Penma
- Anna Trokán as Trokan
- Tylan Bailey as Kessler
- Hans Peterson as Ops Tech Pereira
- Dávid Csányi as Colonel Stacker
- Ian Pirie as Professor
- Johann Myers as Reth
- Angie Cepeda as Violetta Franco
- Jamie Beamish as Kaidon
- Sky Yang as Ruben
- Ali Khan as Attu
- Jeong-hwan Kong as Jin Ha
- Iván Fenyö as Bota
- Nila Aalia as Agatha Terne
- Caroline Boulton as Flight Tech Javal
- Mirjam Novak as Tesic
- Karen Gagnon as Juric
- Danielle Fiamanya as Nurse
- Burn Gorman
Halo TV Series Trailer
An official teaser for Halo TV series has already been released at the Game Awards Show. The second trailer is showing Master Chief in action facing off against Elites(Sangheii), Jackals(Kig-Yar) with other covenants.
Set in the 26th century, a conflict between humanity and alien species is taking place. The Halo universe is filled with numerous canons including the games, audio series, books, etc. but the series will be focusing on Master Chief, Cortana, Spartan and UNSC allies as the war is rising between Humans and Covenant. Moreover, the upper ranking leaders are doing suspicious activities that Chief isn’t aware of.
The Halo TV series trailer also shows that Halo Ring will be the main attraction and the story will be pivoted to ancient alien species called Forerunners that has extinct over thousands of years ago. Forerunners were used to eradicate a ruthless parasite called the flood and now they are looking for refugee. Master Chief will come to cooperate with them to achieve common purposes or begin a never ending war.
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