Ms Marvel is a 2022 American superhero drama series created by Bisha K Ali under Marvel Studios, based on the adventures of a Marvel Comics character named Kamala Khan who is an avid fan of avengers and wants to become like one of them especially she admires Captain Marvel and treat her as an inspiration. The Television series is released with a total of six episodes with the first and sixth episode directed by Adil Ell Arbi and Bilal Fallah, 4th-5th episodes by Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy, second episode by Meera Menon, and third episode by Vellani and Shah for Disney Platform.
Ms Marvel Cast
- Iman Vellani as Kamala Khan
- Matt Lintz as Bruno Carrelli
- Anjali Bhimani Anjali Bhimani
- Zenobia Shroff as Muneeba Khan
- Yasmeen Fletcher as Nakia
- Rish Shah as Kamran
- Fawad Khan as Hasan
- Laurel Marsden as Zoe Zimmer
- Aramis Knight as Red Dagger ‘Kareem’
- Saagar Shaikh as Aamir
- Shaan Merchant as Assistant Tailor
- Mohan Kapur as Yusuf Khan
- Jason m Edwards as NICE Agent
- Rany Abu-Elniaj as Mosque Bro #2
- Jordan Firstman
- Laith Nakli
- Alyy Khan
- Travina Springer
- Nimra Bucha
Where was Ms Marvel filmed?
Ms Marvel was primarily filmed inside Atlanta, Georgia and Hudson Country, New Jersey. Some scenes were also filmed in Bangkok, Thailand. Most of the filming was done at Trilith Studios in Atlanta which was previously known as Pinewood Atlanta Studios. This is the same studio where other Marvel series were filmed like Loki and Naomi.
Filming began in the first week of November 2020 under the working title Jersey inside the Trilith Studios and wrapped up in May 2021. Carmen Cabana joined as the cinematographer while director role was given to El Arbi and Fallah. The director on 5 March 2021 shared that the filming for two episodes have been wrapped up.
Then, the secondary filming begun by Vellani and Shah inside Hudson Country, New Jersey from March 2021 that lasted till early April 2021 while the shooting of fourth and fifth episode was going on in Thailand on 23 March 2021 inside Studio Park facilities of Bangkok. The directors moved back to Atlanta in May to shoot rest of the scenes in early May 2021.
Since the filming was done in Covid-19 period, the cast and crew of 450 members were divided by the authorities into three bubbles to reduce the risk of virus. Officially, the whole filming wrapped up in May 2021 while reshoots were directed by Obaid-Chinoy at the end of Jan 2022.
The trailer of the series reveals that Captain Marvel is an iconic superhero among Earth people. This is somewhat inaccurate, as Carol Danvers never remained on Earth since 1995 and has been on space until she was called by Nick Fury during Avengers: Infinity War (2018) which took place in 2018, 23 years after the events of Captain Marvel (2019) so how is it possible. Some things are ridiculously presented and doesn’t make sense.
In Avengers: Endgame (2019), Carol still remained off-world throughout the majority of the film’s events and only appeared during the final fight against Thanos which was not observed by any Earth people. Unlike her Avengers teammates, Carol never had an opportunity to expose herself frequently to the people as she hasn’t been on Earth like them.
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