DMZ is an American dystopian drama series created by Roberto Patino, directed by Ava DuVernay & Ernest Dickerson, and produced by Dale Williams & Tim Scanian under DC entertainment and Warner Bros Television. Based on the story of a DC character created by Brian Wood and Riccardo Burchielli, the miniseries follows a New Yorker named Alma Ortega who becomes a symbol of hope in a demilitarize Manhattan Island. It stars Rosario Dawson and Hoon Lee in the main role along with other cast members. The series is rated 5.2 on IMDb with a stale score of 50% on Rotten Tomatoes.
Is DMZ TV series on Netflix?
Nope, the DC series is not yet streaming in the huge content library of Netflix and isn’t expected to release anytime in the future because HBO MAX owned the distribution rights to stream the series worldwide and that’s why the series is exclusively streaming for HBO MAX subscribers. However, there are countless dystopian that you can watch instead like Tribes of Europa, 1983, The Walking Dead, Black Mirror, Altered Carbon, Snowpiercer, Colony, etc on the same streaming platform.
Does Amazon Prime have DMZ series?
Sadly, the dystopian series is also not available on Amazon Prime. Neither it is available to stream directly with a valid subscription nor it is available in the VOD section where you can rent or purchase it at some fixed price. However, nobody is stopping you from enjoying other similar shows like The Man in the High Castle, Handmaid’s Tale, Jack Ryan, Being The Ricardos, Sound of Metal, Reacher, etc.
Where is dmz (2022) streaming online?
DMZ is now streaming on HBO MAX as an original miniseries to the platform. If you want to watch this dystopian DC television series then you need to take at least a monthly subscription of the streaming network. The service costs $9.99 per month with ads while an ad free premium plan costs $14.99 per month.
Both the plans provide you the full access to all the HBO MAX originals like adult series Minx, Euphoria, Harry Potter movies, Pretty Little Liars, FBoy Island, South Side, A Quiet Place, etc. The streaming service offers those shows and movies that you will not find anywhere else but the only downside is that it doesn’t provide any free trial period like other streaming services.
Even though, DC’s DMZ Cast includes Rosario Dawson and Benjamin Bratt as the leading characters, the series is not performing well and is rated less than 6 on IMDb.
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