Sweet Magnolias is an American drama TV series developed by Sheryl J Anderson. The story is based on the book of the same title written by Sherryl Woods that follows the daily life complexities of three South Carolina women best friends. It stars JoAnna Garcia Swisher, Jamie Lynn Spears, and Heather Headley as the three childhood ladies who are going through their romance, career and family in the small town of Serenity. The filming locations look charming and mesmerizing, let’s find out where does Sweet Magnolias set?
Sweet Magnolias Filming Locations
Sweet Magnolias was filmed inside Covington, Georgia. The filming for first season began in 8 July 2019 and concluded in Oct 2019 whereas the filming for second season began in April 2021 and wrapped up in July 2021 within the same shooting location. The fictional town of Serenity and Prince of Peace Lutheran Church(Oakhurst Presbyterian) lies within Covington.
Even though the place is less known, some prominent scenes of The Vampire Diaries weren’t possible without it. Georgia has improved a lot in terms of shooting new shows and films and emerged as the Hollywood for the South. Some scenes of Sweet Magnolias season 2 were done in Metro Atlanta which is known for its unique terrain, TV production, and business transportation. The latest Amazon’s romance movie I Want You Back was recently shot there.
Netflix’s Sweet Magnolias Cast
- JoAnna Garcia Swisher as Maddie Townsend
- Brooke Elliott as Dana Sue Sullivan
- Heather Headley as Helen Decatur
- Logan Allen as Kyle Townsend
- Anneliese Judge as Annie Sullivan
- Carson Rowland as Tyler ‘Ty’ Townsend
- Justin Bruening as Cal Maddox
- Jamie Lynn Spears as Noreen Fitzgibbons
- Chris Klein as Bill Townsend
- Dion Johnstone as Erik Whitley
- Chris Medlin as Isaac Downey
- Sam Ashby as Jackson Lewis
Sweet Magnolias Season 1 and 2 Review
There was no language that anybody should observe hostile which was invigorating as F bombs are so over utilized in many shows and films now days. This could be seen by a person of all ages as there was not the plain sexual moments as in many shows on Netflix like White Lines from this previous end of the week. As expressed by others Jamie Lynn Spears acting capacity was not incredible and her personality assumed everybody should like her for getting pregnant and separating a family.
On top of that she continued to force herself at places she ought to have avoided and behaving like a mother to more seasoned youngsters who were a couple of years more youthful then herself. While the main women all worked really hard acting their characters! To me it was observable that JoAnna Swisher was significantly more youthful then the other two of the threesome. The projecting was great, yet I would have jumped at the chance to seen Annie Potts assuming the part of Maddie’s mother. One thing that I didn’t like was the completion since there is no adaptation there will be a Season 2 for this show.
There were a couple progression issues however nothing that truly detracted from the show. Others have commented with regards to the entertainers and their Southern articulations, being from the south and having lived in various Southern states one observes the emphasize contrasts from one state to another and even from one area to another of a state. A Charleston complement isn’t same as somebody from Columbia SC. So I will give them a pass on this as I have heard far more regrettable on many shows.
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