Pieces of Her is an American thriller drama series created by Charlotte Stoudt under Red Shoe Pictures and Made Up Stories production company. Directed by Minkie Spiro, the series is completely based on the novel of the same title written by Karin Slaughter whereas the music is given by Danny Bensi and Saunder Jurriaans. The spine chilling scenes of the series look stunning but they were not filmed at the same place where the show sets in. So, what were the real filming locations? Let’s find out.
Where was Pieces of Her filmed?
Sets in Georgian town, Pieces of Her TV series was originally planned to film inside Burnaby, British Columbia during the Summer season of 2021 but the actual filming was done inside Western Sydney, Australia due to the Australian govt location incentive program. The filming for Pieces of Her began on 6 April 2021 and wrapped up on 23 July 2021 covering 107 days, 3 countries, and 2 continents.
Filming was originally scheduled to begin in 16 March 2020 and conclude on 17 July 2020 within Burnaby, BC but it was delayed to Dec 2020. The shooting was done considering all precautionary measures and Covid-19 protocols. Some scenes were reportedly filmed inside Georgia like Love is Blind, Sweet Magnolias, etc.
Kat Wenborn shared some photos during the shooting of series.
Is Belle Isle of Georgia a Real Place?
Unfortunately, no place exists like Belle Isle in this world. It is just a fictional town of Savannah created by author Karin. The writer has confirmed the fact while talking to AJC that she often uses fictional towns in her stories.
Pieces of Her Netfix Cast
- Toni Collette as Laura Oliver
- Omari Hardwick as Gordon Oliver
- Joe Dempise as Nick Harp
- Terry O’Quinn as Martin Queller
- Bella Heathcote as Andy Oliver
- Jacob Scipio as Michael Vargas, US Marshal
- Aaron Jeffery as Nick
- Jessica Barden as Jane Queller
- Calum Worthy as young Jasper
- Gill Birmingham as Charlie Bass
The Television series follows a divorced mother Laura Oliver(Toni Collette) who lives with her only daughter Andrea in a fictional town of Georgia. Her daughter wants to become a graphic designer but stuck to treat her mother whose breast cancer treatment is going on.
In an attempt to make her daughter feel better, Laura organized a party at a local diner to celebrate Andy’s 30th birthday. But something unusual happened that day, a 25-year old man, Jonah pointed a gun towards Andy’s friend Shelly and pull the trigger killing her Shelly and her mother Betsy on the spot. Moreover, Laura killed the man with a knife and become the victim of bravery.
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