Directed by Max McGuire, A Christmas Village Romance is the new Lifetime’s Christmas movie that follows a popular romantic fictional author named Diana who arrives Maple Creek to hunt some new ideas for her upcoming novel. To her surprise, the village needs her favor too as the place is going through huge financial crisis that can lead to the destruction of village. She has to take an action in choosing or losing the village, all depends on her decision. The film locations look amazing and charming.
A Christmas Village Romance Filming Locations
Lifetime’s A Christmas Village Romance was filmed majorly in Ottawa and Dunvegan parts of Ontario, Canada in the later summer of 2020. Ottawa is the capital city of Canada which is an ideal place to shot various Christmas films such as Christmas CEO, Boyfriends of Christmas, Two for the Win, etc. ByWard Market is one of most famous tourist attractions of Ottawa and a notable filming location where the crew was spotted during August 2020.
Some scenes were also shot at Dunvegan, located in Northeast of Stewarts Glen. The place is having Glengarry Pioneers Museum that featured 19th century buildings replicas, War of 1812, and other ancient equipment. The Cumberland Heritage Village Museum has been featured in the Lifetime movie in museum scenes.
- Jake Epstein As Carter
- Jeni Ross As Diana
- Mary Long As Lynda
- Erin Eldershaw As Kayla
- Cassandre Mentor As Holland
- Olivier Renaud As Greg
- Tom Cassell As Carriage Driver
- Tim Progosh As Jimmy
- Emily Kerr As Partygoer
- Sarita Van Dyke As Street Vendor
The story of A Christmas Village Romance moves around a novelist Diana who visits Maple Creek Village in search of a new life changing idea to put in her story. There she found that the village is about to bankrupt and only she can save her by raising a helping hand. So, she decides to sponsor a Christmas Gala to raise some funds but a sketchy blacksmith and historian, Carter is coming her way and trying to ruin her plans.
Eventually, the two come closer to save the village’s reputation and takeout from financial crisis. While both of them were standing on the verge of saving the Christmas event, Diana’s crush made his surprise appearance before the starting of big event. Now, Diana has to choose between the best man or her crush.
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