Directed by Julio Quintana, Blue Miracle is an adventurous drama film that tells the story of a kids group whose orphanage is running out of money and that’s why their guardian jumps into a fishing competition so that they can save the orphanage. This puts them into challenging environment which is very dangerous and only the wise person can escape from the situation. The scene looks charming and viewers are wondering where is the movie filmed, let’s know about the shooting location of the movie.
Blue Miracle Filming Locations
Blue Miracle was filmed mostly inside the greater Santo Domingo area, the capital of Dominican Republic. The shooting begun on August 2020 and wrapped up in December 2020 at the filming location. This country provides a beautiful coastline along with lots of fishing activities. Moreover, it is one of the oldest and the major seaport of the Dominican Republic.
- Dennis Quaid as Captain Wade Malloy(Marlin fisherman)
- Jimmy Gonzales as Omar Venegas(Supervisor at Casa Hogar)
- Miguel Angel Garcia as Moco(a teenager who stole a watch from Wade and joins Casa Hogar)
- Anthony Gonzalez as Geco(Moco’s friend)
- Fernanda Urrejola as Becca
- Isaac Arellanes as Wiki
- Bruce McGill as Wayne Bishee
- Nathan Arenas as Hollywood
- Steve Gutierrez as Tweety
Is Blue Miracle based on a true story?
Blue Miracle is based on the real story of an orphanage in Mexico named Casa Hogar, that was hit hard by the Hurricane Odile in 2014 and the guardians were worried about their kids. The boys who have never ever touched a fishing rope entered the Bisbee’s Black & Blue Tournament to make their days better.
That was the biggest fishing tournament at that time and to your surprise, the boys won 385 Marlin in the competition and donated their winnings. In an attempt to keep the tournament and help the local economy, Bisbee’s Fish and Wildlife Conservation Fund generated a Cab Relief Fund.
A person paid the entry fee of $5000 for a team that agreed to hire a local boat and Casa Hogar were now able to enter the tournament. Moreover, the boys from Casa Hogar won the competition and donated their whole cash prize worth $258,325 to the Casa Hogar organization. The money was used to setup a girls’ program and in improving the facilities of the orphanage.
Blue Miracle is currently streaming on Netflix since it has been released on 27 May 2021.
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